A Novel Infection Protocol in Zebrafish Embryo to Assess Virulence and Validate Efficacy of a Quorum Sensing Inhibitor In Vivo.

Pauline Nogaret, Fatima El Garah, Anne-Béatrice Blanc-Potard
Author Information
  1. Pauline Nogaret: Laboratory of Pathogen-Host Interactions (LPHI), Université Montpellier, CEDEX 05, 34095 Montpellier, France. ORCID
  2. Fatima El Garah: Laboratoire de Génie Chimique, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, INPT, UPS, 31432 Toulouse, France. ORCID
  3. Anne-Béatrice Blanc-Potard: Laboratory of Pathogen-Host Interactions (LPHI), Université Montpellier, CEDEX 05, 34095 Montpellier, France. ORCID


The opportunistic human pathogen is responsible for a variety of acute infections and is a major cause of mortality in chronically infected cystic fibrosis patients. Due to increased resistance to antibiotics, new therapeutic strategies against are urgently needed. In this context, we aimed to develop a simple vertebrate animal model to rapidly assess in vivo drug efficacy against . Zebrafish are increasingly considered for modeling human infections caused by bacterial pathogens, which are commonly microinjected in embryos. In the present study, we established a novel protocol for zebrafish infection by based on bath immersion in 96-well plates of tail-injured embryos. The immersion method, followed by a 48-hour survey of embryo viability, was first validated to assess the virulence of wild-type PAO1 and a known attenuated mutant. We then validated its relevance for antipseudomonal drug testing by first using a clinically used antibiotic, ciprofloxacin. Secondly, we used a novel quorum sensing (QS) inhibitory molecule, -(2-pyrimidyl)butanamide (C11), the activity of which had been validated in vitro but not previously tested in any animal model. A significant protective effect of C11 was observed on infected embryos, supporting the ability of C11 to attenuate in vivo pathogenicity. In conclusion, we present here a new and reliable method to compare the virulence of strains in vivo and to rapidly assess the efficacy of clinically relevant drugs against , including new antivirulence compounds.



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  1. ANR-17-CE18-0011-02/Agence Nationale de la Recherche
  2. RF20190502411/Association Vaincre la Mucoviscidose

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0newassessvivoembryosvalidatedC11humaninfectionsinfectedanimalmodelrapidlydrugefficacyZebrafishpresentnovelzebrafishimmersionmethodfirstvirulenceclinicallyusedquorumsensingopportunisticpathogenresponsiblevarietyacutemajorcausemortalitychronicallycysticfibrosispatientsDueincreasedresistanceantibioticstherapeuticstrategiesurgentlyneededcontextaimeddevelopsimplevertebrateincreasinglyconsideredmodelingcausedbacterialpathogenscommonlymicroinjectedstudyestablishedprotocolinfectionbasedbath96-wellplatestail-injuredfollowed48-hoursurveyembryoviabilitywild-typePAO1knownattenuatedmutantrelevanceantipseudomonaltestingusingantibioticciprofloxacinSecondlyQSinhibitorymolecule-2-pyrimidylbutanamideactivityvitropreviouslytestedsignificantprotectiveeffectobservedsupportingabilityattenuatepathogenicityconclusionreliablecomparestrainsrelevantdrugsincludingantivirulencecompoundsNovelInfectionProtocolEmbryoAssessVirulenceValidateEfficacyQuorumSensingInhibitorVivoPseudomonasaeruginosa

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