Efficacy of Fosfomycin and Its Combination With Aminoglycosides in an Experimental Sepsis Model by Carbapenemase-Producing Clinical Strains.

Tania Cebrero-Cangueiro, Gema Labrador-Herrera, ��lvaro Pascual, Caridad D��az, Jes��s Rodr��guez-Ba��o, Jer��nimo Pach��n, Jos�� P Del Palacio, Mar��a E Pach��n-Ib����ez, M Carmen Conejo
Author Information
  1. Tania Cebrero-Cangueiro: Clinical Unit of Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, and Preventive Medicine, University Hospital Virgen del Roc��o, Seville, Spain.
  2. Gema Labrador-Herrera: Clinical Unit of Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, and Preventive Medicine, University Hospital Virgen del Roc��o, Seville, Spain.
  3. ��lvaro Pascual: Institute of Biomedicine of Seville (IBiS), Virgen del Roc��o and Virgen Macarena University Hospitals/Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient��ficas (CSIC)/University of Seville, Seville, Spain.
  4. Caridad D��az: Fundacion Centro de Excelencia en Investigaci��n de Medicamentos Innovadores en Andaluc��a, MEDINA Foundation, Granada, Spain.
  5. Jes��s Rodr��guez-Ba��o: Institute of Biomedicine of Seville (IBiS), Virgen del Roc��o and Virgen Macarena University Hospitals/Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient��ficas (CSIC)/University of Seville, Seville, Spain.
  6. Jer��nimo Pach��n: Institute of Biomedicine of Seville (IBiS), Virgen del Roc��o and Virgen Macarena University Hospitals/Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient��ficas (CSIC)/University of Seville, Seville, Spain.
  7. Jos�� P Del Palacio: Fundacion Centro de Excelencia en Investigaci��n de Medicamentos Innovadores en Andaluc��a, MEDINA Foundation, Granada, Spain.
  8. Mar��a E Pach��n-Ib����ez: Clinical Unit of Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, and Preventive Medicine, University Hospital Virgen del Roc��o, Seville, Spain.
  9. M Carmen Conejo: Department of Microbiology, University of Seville, Seville, Spain.


Carbapenemase-producing infections are an increasing global threat with scarce and uncertain treatment options. In this context, combination therapies are often used for these infections. The bactericidal and synergistic activity of fosfomycin plus amikacin and gentamicin was studied trough time-kill assays against four clonally unrelated clinical isolates of carbapenemase-producing , VIM-1, VIM-1 plus DHA-1, OXA-48 plus CTXM-15, and KPC-3, respectively. The efficacy of antimicrobials that showed synergistic activity against all the carbapenemase-producing were tested in monotherapy and in combination, in a murine peritoneal sepsis model. , fosfomycin plus amikacin showed synergistic and bactericidal effect against strains producing VIM-1, VIM-1 plus DHA-1, and OXA-48 plus CTX-M-15. Fosfomycin plus gentamicin had synergistic activity against the strain producing KPC-3. , fosfomycin and amikacin and its combination reduced the spleen bacterial concentration compared with controls groups in animals infected by producing VIM-1 and OXA-48 plus CTX-M-15. Moreover, amikacin alone and its combination with fosfomycin reduced the bacteremia rate against the VIM-1 producer strain. Contrary to the results, no efficacy was found with fosfomycin plus amikacin against the VIM-1 plus DHA-1 producer strain. Finally, fosfomycin plus gentamicin reduced the bacterial concentration in spleen against the KPC-3 producer strain. In conclusion, our results suggest that fosfomycin plus aminoglycosides has a dissimilar efficacy in the treatment of this severe experimental infection, when caused by different carbapenemase-producing strains. Fosfomycin plus amikacin or plus gentamycin may be useful to treat infections by OXA-48 plus CTX-M-15 or KPC-3 producer strains, respectively.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0plusfosfomycinVIM-1amikacincombinationsynergisticcarbapenemase-producingOXA-48KPC-3strainproducerinfectionsactivitygentamicinDHA-1efficacystrainsproducingCTX-M-15FosfomycinreducedtreatmentbactericidalrespectivelyshowedspleenbacterialconcentrationresultsaminoglycosidesCarbapenemase-producingincreasingglobalthreatscarceuncertainoptionscontexttherapiesoftenusedstudiedtroughtime-killassaysfourclonallyunrelatedclinicalisolatesCTXM-15antimicrobialstestedmonotherapymurineperitonealsepsismodeleffectcomparedcontrolsgroupsanimalsinfectedMoreoveralonebacteremiarateContraryfoundFinallyconclusionsuggestdissimilarsevereexperimentalinfectioncauseddifferentgentamycinmayusefultreatEfficacyCombinationAminoglycosidesExperimentalSepsisModelCarbapenemase-ProducingClinicalStrainsKlebsiellapneumoniaevivotimekillcurves

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