Fear of COVID-19 and Mental Health: The Role of Mindfulness in During Times of Crisis.

Hacer Belen
Author Information
  1. Hacer Belen: Educational Sciences, Psychological Counseling and Guidance, Bursa Uludag University, Ozluce, Gorukle Campus, 16059 Nil��fer, Bursa Turkey. ORCID


The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has had a significant impact on all aspects of individuals' lives, particularly their mental health due to the fear associated with the pandemic. Thus, the current study explored the relationship between the fear of COVID-19 and aspects of mental health, namely anxiety and depression, and will consider whether this relationship can be mediated by mindfulness. Data were collected from a student sample of 355 participants (71.5% female and 28.5% male) ranging between 18 and 41 years of age (M���=���22.41��������3.27), with participants completing a fear of COVID-19 scale (FCV-19S), Mindfulness Attention and Awareness Scale (MAAS), and the anxiety and depression subscale of the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R). In terms of the results, correlational analyses indicated that fear of COVID-19 is inversely associated with mindfulness, while positive correlations were found with anxiety and depression. Structural equation modeling analyses demonstrated that mindfulness mediated the relationship between fear of COVID-19 and depression and anxiety. Associated implications are further discussed.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0COVID-19fearanxietydepressionrelationshipmindfulnessMindfulnessaspectsmentalhealthassociatedmediatedparticipants5%analysesFearnovelcoronavirusdiseasesignificantimpactindividuals'livesparticularlyduepandemicThuscurrentstudyexplorednamelywillconsiderwhethercanDatacollectedstudentsample35571female28maleranging1841 yearsageM���=���2241��������327completingscaleFCV-19SAttentionAwarenessScaleMAASsubscaleSymptomChecklist-90-RevisedSCL-90-RtermsresultscorrelationalindicatedinverselypositivecorrelationsfoundStructuralequationmodelingdemonstratedAssociatedimplicationsdiscussedMentalHealth:RoleTimesCrisisAnxietyDepressionMediation

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