Antimicrobial Stewardship: A Review for Internal Medicine Physicians.

Syeda Sahra, Abdullah Jahangir, Vincent De Chavez
Author Information
  1. Syeda Sahra: Internal Medicine, Staten Island University Hospital Northwell, Staten Island, USA.
  2. Abdullah Jahangir: Internal Medicine, Staten Island University Hospital, Staten Island, USA.
  3. Vincent De Chavez: Infectious Diseases, Staten Island University Hospital, Staten Island, USA.


Antimicrobial stewardship is the need of the hour to prevent the collapse of our health care system at the hands of a pandemic of resistant pathogens. Inappropriate and indiscriminate abuse of antibiotics has left very few options for prescribing physicians as most of the pathogens, particularly gram-negative, are resistant to the major antibiotics. This article reviews the importance of Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs (ASP) for internal medicine physicians and residents. Commonly encountered clinical scenarios are discussed. Appropriate indications of antibiotics, pathogen-guided prescriptions, adverse effects of common antibiotics, and options to use newer antibiotics are reviewed. The role of a health care team is highlighted. The evidence-based steps taken to ensure ASPs implementation are reiterated to serve as an educational guide for medical residents and physicians.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0antibioticsAntimicrobialphysiciansstewardshiphealthcareresistantpathogensoptionsresidentsantimicrobialneedhourpreventcollapsesystemhandspandemicInappropriateindiscriminateabuseleftprescribingparticularlygram-negativemajorarticlereviewsimportanceStewardshipProgramsASPinternalmedicineCommonlyencounteredclinicalscenariosdiscussedAppropriateindicationspathogen-guidedprescriptionsadverseeffectscommonusenewerreviewedroleteamhighlightedevidence-basedstepstakenensureASPsimplementationreiteratedserveeducationalguidemedicalStewardship:ReviewInternalMedicinePhysiciansanitibioticsresistanceprogramsuperbugs

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