Rhodomyrtone Accumulates in Bacterial Cell Wall and Cell Membrane and Inhibits the Synthesis of Multiple Cellular Macromolecules in Epidemic Methicillin-Resistant  .

Ozioma F Nwabor, Sukanlaya Leejae, Supayang P Voravuthikunchai
Author Information
  1. Ozioma F Nwabor: Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla 90112, Thailand. ORCID
  2. Sukanlaya Leejae: Division of Biological Science, Faculty of Science and Natural Product Research Center of Excellence, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla 90112, Thailand.
  3. Supayang P Voravuthikunchai: Division of Biological Science, Faculty of Science and Natural Product Research Center of Excellence, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla 90112, Thailand.


As the burden of antibacterial resistance worsens and treatment options become narrower, rhodomyrtone-a novel natural antibiotic agent with a new antibacterial mechanism-could replace existing antibiotics for the treatment of infections caused by multi-drug resistant Gram-positive bacteria. In this study, rhodomyrtone was detected within the cell by means of an easy an inexpensive method. The antibacterial effects of rhodomyrtone were investigated on epidemic methicillin-resistant  . Thin-layer chromatography demonstrated the entrapment and accumulation of rhodomyrtone within the bacterial cell wall and cell membrane. The incorporation of radiolabelled precursors revealed that rhodomyrtone inhibited the synthesis of macromolecules including DNA, RNA, proteins, the cell wall, and lipids. Following the treatment with rhodomyrtone at MIC (0.5-1 µg/mL), the synthesis of all macromolecules was significantly inhibited ( ≤ 0.05) after 4 h. Inhibition of macromolecule synthesis was demonstrated after 30 min at a higher concentration of rhodomyrtone (4× MIC), comparable to standard inhibitor compounds. In contrast, rhodomyrtone did not affect lipase activity in staphylococci-both epidemic methicillin-resistant   and . ATCC 29213. Interfering with the synthesis of multiple macromolecules is thought to be one of the antibacterial mechanisms of rhodomyrtone.



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  1. RTA 6180006/Thailand Research Fund

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0rhodomyrtoneantibacterialcellsynthesistreatmentmethicillin-resistant macromoleculesresistancewithinepidemicdemonstratedwallinhibitedMIC0macromoleculeCellburdenworsensoptionsbecomenarrowerrhodomyrtone-anovelnaturalantibioticagentnewmechanism-couldreplaceexistingantibioticsinfectionscausedmulti-drugresistantGram-positivebacteriastudydetectedmeanseasyinexpensivemethodeffectsinvestigatedThin-layerchromatographyentrapmentaccumulationbacterialmembraneincorporationradiolabelledprecursorsrevealedincludingDNARNAproteinslipidsFollowing5-1µg/mLsignificantly054hInhibition30minhigherconcentrationcomparablestandardinhibitorcompoundscontrastaffectlipaseactivitystaphylococci-bothATCC29213InterferingmultiplethoughtonemechanismsRhodomyrtoneAccumulatesBacterialWallMembraneInhibitsSynthesisMultipleCellularMacromoleculesEpidemicMethicillin-ResistantantimicrobialbiosynthesisStaphylococcus aureus

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