Assessing number and quality of urology open access journals: 2011 to 2018.

Saif Aldeen AlRyalat, Zeyad Alessa, Mustafa Mansour, Mohammed Hamidi, Muhannad Obeidat, Omar Odtallah
Author Information
  1. Saif Aldeen AlRyalat: Department of Special Surgery, University of Jordan Hospital, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
  2. Zeyad Alessa: Department of Urology, Jordanian Royal Medical Services, Amman, Jordan.
  3. Mustafa Mansour: Department of Urology, Jordanian Royal Medical Services, Amman, Jordan.
  4. Mohammed Hamidi: Department of Urology, Jordanian Royal Medical Services, Amman, Jordan.
  5. Muhannad Obeidat: Department of Urology, Jordanian Royal Medical Services, Amman, Jordan.
  6. Omar Odtallah: Department of Urology, Jordanian Royal Medical Services, Amman, Jordan.


BACKGROUND/AIMS: There is clear evidence that publishing research in an open access (OA) journal or as an OA model is associated with higher impact, in terms of number of reads and citation rates. The development of OA journals and their quality are poorly studied in the field of urology. In this study, we aim to assess the number of OA journals, their quality in terms of CiteScore, percent cited and quartiles, and their scholarly production during the period from 2011 to 2018.
METHODS: We obtained data about journals from, and we filtered the list for urology journals. We obtained data for all Scopus indexed journals during the period from 2011 to 2018. For each journal, we extracted the following indices: CiteScore, Citations, scholarly output, and SCImago quartiles. We analyzed the difference in quality indices between OA and non-OA urology journals.
RESULTS: Urology journals have increased from 66 journals in 2011 to 99 journals in 2018. The number of OA urology journals has increased from only 10 (15.2%) journals in 2011 to 33 (33.3%) journals in 2018. The number of quartile 1 (the top 25%) journals has increased from only 1 journal in 2011 to 5 journals in 2018. Non-OA urology journals had significantly higher CiteScore compared with OA journals till the year 2015, after which the mean difference in CiteScore became smaller with insignificant p-value.
CONCLUSION: Number and quality of OA journals in the field of urology have increased throughout the last few years. Despite this increase, non-OA urology journals still have higher quality and output.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0journalsOAurologyquality20112018numberCiteScoreincreasedaccessjournalhigheropentermsfieldquartilesscholarlyperiodobtaineddataScopusoutputdifferencenon-OAUrology331BACKGROUND/AIMS:clearevidencepublishingresearchmodelassociatedimpactreadscitationratesdevelopmentpoorlystudiedstudyaimassesspercentcitedproductionMETHODS:wwwscopuscomfilteredlistindexedextractedfollowingindices:CitationsSCImagoanalyzedindicesRESULTS:669910152%3%quartiletop25%5Non-OAsignificantlycomparedtillyear2015meanbecamesmallerinsignificantp-valueCONCLUSION:NumberthroughoutlastyearsDespiteincreasestillAssessingjournals:BibliometricsJournalsOpen

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