Are all MVPA minutes equal? Associations between MVPA characteristics, independent of duration, and childhood adiposity.

Aaron Miatke, Carol Maher, François Fraysse, Dot Dumuid, Tim Olds
Author Information
  1. Aaron Miatke: Alliance for Research in Exercise, Nutrition & Activity (ARENA), Allied Health and Human Performance, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
  2. Carol Maher: Alliance for Research in Exercise, Nutrition & Activity (ARENA), Allied Health and Human Performance, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
  3. François Fraysse: Alliance for Research in Exercise, Nutrition & Activity (ARENA), Allied Health and Human Performance, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
  4. Dot Dumuid: Alliance for Research in Exercise, Nutrition & Activity (ARENA), Allied Health and Human Performance, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
  5. Tim Olds: Alliance for Research in Exercise, Nutrition & Activity (ARENA), Allied Health and Human Performance, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.


BACKGROUND: The inverse relationship between moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) duration and childhood Adiposity is well established. Less is known about how characteristics of MVPA accumulation may be associated with Adiposity, independent of MVPA duration. This study aimed to investigate how the MVPA characteristics of children, other than duration (bout length, time of day, day-to-day consistency, intensity), were associated with Adiposity.
METHODS: Cross-sectional study of the Australian arm of the International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment (ISCOLE) (participants: n = 424, age range 9-11, 44% male). Adiposity was determined by percent body fat via bioelectrical impedance. MVPA duration and characteristics (bout length, time of day, consistency, intensity) were derived from 7-day, 24-h accelerometry. Generalised estimating equations were used to examine the individual and multivariate associations between MVPA characteristics and Adiposity.
RESULTS: Univariate analyses showed that higher MVPA duration (β range = - 0.26,-0.15), longer bouts of MVPA (β range = 0.15,0.22) and higher MVPA intensity (β range = - 0.20,-0.13) were all inversely associated with Adiposity (all p < 0.05). When models were adjusted for MVPA duration, only MVPA intensity (β range = - 0.16,-0.04) showed consistent significant associations with Adiposity.
CONCLUSIONS: Characteristics of MVPA other than duration and intensity appear to be unrelated to Adiposity.



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MeSH Term

Body Mass Index
Cross-Sectional Studies
Pediatric Obesity
Sedentary Behavior

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0MVPAdurationadipositycharacteristicsintensityβassociatedrange = - 0-0childhoodindependentstudyboutlengthtimedayconsistencyObesityLifestyleassociationsshowedhigher15BACKGROUND:inverserelationshipmoderate-to-vigorousphysicalactivitywellestablishedLessknownaccumulationmayaimedinvestigatechildrenday-to-dayMETHODS:Cross-sectionalAustralianarmInternationalStudyChildhoodEnvironmentISCOLEparticipants:n = 424agerange9-1144%maleAdipositydeterminedpercentbodyfatviabioelectricalimpedancederived7-day24-haccelerometryGeneralisedestimatingequationsusedexamineindividualmultivariateRESULTS:Univariateanalyses26longerboutsrange = 00222013inverselyp < 005modelsadjusted1604consistentsignificantCONCLUSIONS:Characteristicsappearunrelatedminutesequal?AssociationsAccelerometryOverweight

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