Amyloid Deposits and Fibrosis on Left Ventricular Endomyocardial Biopsy Correlate With Extracellular Volume in Cardiac Amyloidosis.

Angela Pucci, Alberto Aimo, Veronica Musetti, Andrea Barison, Giuseppe Vergaro, Dario Genovesi, Assuero Giorgetti, Silvia Masotti, Chiara Arzilli, Concetta Prontera, Luigi Emilio Pastormerlo, Michele Alessandro Coceani, Marco Ciardetti, Nicola Martini, Cataldo Palmieri, Claudio Passino, Claudio Rapezzi, Michele Emdin
Author Information
  1. Angela Pucci: University Hospital of Pisa Pisa Italy.
  2. Alberto Aimo: Institute of Life Sciences Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa Italy.
  3. Veronica Musetti: Institute of Life Sciences Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa Italy.
  4. Andrea Barison: Institute of Life Sciences Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa Italy. ORCID
  5. Giuseppe Vergaro: Institute of Life Sciences Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa Italy.
  6. Dario Genovesi: Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio Pisa Italy.
  7. Assuero Giorgetti: Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio Pisa Italy. ORCID
  8. Silvia Masotti: Institute of Life Sciences Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa Italy.
  9. Chiara Arzilli: University Hospital of Pisa Pisa Italy.
  10. Concetta Prontera: Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio Pisa Italy.
  11. Luigi Emilio Pastormerlo: Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio Pisa Italy.
  12. Michele Alessandro Coceani: Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio Pisa Italy.
  13. Marco Ciardetti: Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio Pisa Italy. ORCID
  14. Nicola Martini: Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio Pisa Italy.
  15. Cataldo Palmieri: Institute of Life Sciences Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa Italy.
  16. Claudio Passino: Institute of Life Sciences Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa Italy.
  17. Claudio Rapezzi: Centro Cardiologico Universitario di Ferrara University of Ferrara Italy.
  18. Michele Emdin: Institute of Life Sciences Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa Italy. ORCID


Background The relative contribution of amyloid and fibrosis to extracellular volume expansion in cardiac amyloidosis (CA) has never been defined. Methods and Results We included all patients diagnosed with amyloid light-chain (AL) or transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis at a tertiary referral center between 2014 to 2020 and undergoing a left ventricular endomyocardial biopsy. Patients (n=37) were more often men (92%), with a median age of 72 years (interquartile range, 68-81). Lambda-positive AL was found in 14 of 19 AL cases (38%) and kappa-positive AL in 5 of 19 (14%), while transthyretin was detected in the other 18 cases (48%). Amyloid deposits accounted for 15% of tissue sample area (10%-30%), without significant differences between AL and transthyretin amyloidosis. All patients displayed myocardial fibrosis, with a median extent of 15% of tissue samples (10%-23%; range, 5%-60%), in the absence of spatial overlap with amyloid deposits. Interstitial fibrosis was often associated with mild and focal subendocardial fibrosis. The extent of fibrosis or the combination of amyloidosis and fibrosis did not differ significantly between transthyretin amyloidosis and AL subgroups. In 20 patients with myocardial T1 mapping at cardiac magnetic resonance, the combined amyloid and fibrosis extent displayed a modest correlation with extracellular volume (=0.661, =0.001). The combined amyloid and fibrosis extent correlated with high-sensitivity troponin T (=0.035) and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (=0.002) serum levels. Conclusions Extracellular spaces in cardiac amyloidosis are enlarged to a similar extent by amyloid deposits and fibrotic tissue. Their combination can better explain the increased extracellular volume at cardiac magnetic resonance and circulating biomarkers than amyloid extent alone.



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MeSH Term

Amyloid Neuropathies, Familial
Plaque, Amyloid



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0fibrosisamyloidcardiacamyloidosisALextentextracellularvolumetransthyretin=0patientsdepositstissuemagneticresonanceendomyocardialbiopsyoftenmedianrange19casesAmyloid15%displayedmyocardialcombinationcombinedExtracellularbiomarkersBackgroundrelativecontributionexpansionCAneverdefinedMethodsResultsincludeddiagnosedlight-chaintertiaryreferralcenter20142020undergoingleftventricularPatientsn=37men92%age72 yearsinterquartile68-81Lambda-positivefound1438%kappa-positive514%detected1848%accountedsamplearea10%-30%withoutsignificantdifferencessamples10%-23%5%-60%absencespatialoverlapInterstitialassociatedmildfocalsubendocardialdiffersignificantlysubgroups20T1mappingmodestcorrelation661001correlatedhigh-sensitivitytroponinT035N-terminalpro-B-typenatriureticpeptide002serumlevelsConclusionsspacesenlargedsimilarfibroticcanbetterexplainincreasedcirculatingaloneDepositsFibrosisLeftVentricularEndomyocardialBiopsyCorrelateVolumeCardiacAmyloidosis

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