Equisetin Restores Colistin Sensitivity against Multi-Drug Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria.

Qi Zhang, Shang Chen, Xiaojia Liu, Wenhan Lin, Kui Zhu
Author Information
  1. Qi Zhang: National Center for Veterinary Drug Safety Evaluation, College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China.
  2. Shang Chen: National Center for Veterinary Drug Safety Evaluation, College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China. ORCID
  3. Xiaojia Liu: National Center for Veterinary Drug Safety Evaluation, College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China.
  4. Wenhan Lin: State Key Laboratory of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs, Peking University, Beijing 100191, China. ORCID
  5. Kui Zhu: National Center for Veterinary Drug Safety Evaluation, College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China.


The overuse of antibiotics and the scarcity of new drugs have led to a serious antimicrobial resistance crisis, especially for multi-drug resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacteria. In the present study, we investigated the antimicrobial activity of a marine antibiotic equisetin in combination with colistin against Gram-negative bacteria and explored the mechanisms of synergistic activity. We tested the synergistic effect of equisetin in combination with colistin on 23 clinical positive isolates and found that 4 µg/mL equisetin combined with 1 µg/mL colistin showed 100% inhibition. Consistently, equisetin restored the sensitivity of 10 species of positive Gram-negative bacteria to colistin. The combination of equisetin and colistin quickly killed 99.9% bacteria in one hour in time-kill assays. We found that colistin promoted intracellular accumulation of equisetin in colistin-resistant based on LC-MS/MS analysis. Interestingly, equisetin boosted ROS accumulation in in the presence of colistin. Moreover, we found that equisetin and colistin lost the synergistic effect in two LPS-deficient strains. These findings suggest that colistin destroys the hydrophobic barrier of Gram-negative bacteria, facilitating equisetin to enter the cell and exert its antibacterial effect. Lastly, equisetin restored the activity of colistin in a larvae infection model. Collectively, these results reveal that equisetin can potentiate colistin activity against MDR Gram-negative bacteria including colistin-resistant strains, providing an alternative approach to address Gram-negative pathogens associated with infections in clinics.



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  1. 31922083 357/National Natural Science Foundation of China
  2. 21861142006/National Natural Science Foundation of China
  3. 2021TC058/Chinese Universities Scientific Fund

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0equisetincolistinGram-negativebacteriaactivitycombinationantimicrobialsynergisticeffectfoundresistanceMDRpositiveµg/mLrestoredaccumulationcolistin-resistantstrainsoveruseantibioticsscarcitynewdrugsledseriouscrisisespeciallymulti-drugresistantpresentstudyinvestigatedmarineantibioticexploredmechanismstested23clinicalisolates4combined1showed100%inhibitionConsistentlysensitivity10speciesquicklykilled999%onehourtime-killassayspromotedintracellularbasedLC-MS/MSanalysisInterestinglyboostedROSpresenceMoreoverlosttwoLPS-deficientfindingssuggestdestroyshydrophobicbarrierfacilitatingentercellexertantibacterialLastlylarvaeinfectionmodelCollectivelyresultsrevealcanpotentiateincludingprovidingalternativeapproachaddresspathogensassociatedinfectionsclinicsEquisetinRestoresColistinSensitivityMulti-DrugResistantGram-NegativeBacteriadrug

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