A small RNA is functional in despite containing a large insertion.

Austin P Wright, H Auguste Dutcher, Brianna Butler, Timothy J Nice, Rahul Raghavan
Author Information
  1. Austin P Wright: Department of Biology, Portland State University, Portland, OR, USA.
  2. H Auguste Dutcher: Department of Biology, Portland State University, Portland, OR, USA.
  3. Brianna Butler: Department of Biology, Portland State University, Portland, OR, USA.
  4. Timothy J Nice: Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR, USA.
  5. Rahul Raghavan: Department of Biology, Portland State University, Portland, OR, USA.


Bacterial small RNAs (sRNAs) are important regulators of gene expression; however, the impact of natural mutations on sRNA functions has not been studied extensively. Here we show that the sRNA MgrR contains a unique 53 bp insertion in , a close relative of and . The insertion is a repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP) sequence that could block transcription, but full-length MgrR is produced in , showing that the insertion has not affected sRNA production. Additionally, despite containing the large insertion, the sRNA appears to be functional because deletion of made more susceptible to HO. The molecular details of MgrR's roles in HOdefence are yet to be defined, but our results suggest that having an alternative function allowed the sRNA to be retained in despite it sustaining a large, potentially disruptive mutation.



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  1. R01 AI130055/NIAID NIH HHS
  2. R03 AI133023/NIAID NIH HHS
  3. R03 DE028409/NIDCR NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Gene Expression Regulation, Bacterial
Hydrogen Peroxide
RNA, Bacterial
RNA, Small Untranslated


RNA, Bacterial
RNA, Small Untranslated
Hydrogen Peroxide

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0sRNAinsertionMgrRdespitelargesmallcontainingfunctionalBacterialRNAssRNAsimportantregulatorsgeneexpressionhoweverimpactnaturalmutationsfunctionsstudiedextensivelyshowcontainsunique53 bpcloserelativerepetitiveextragenicpalindromicREPsequenceblocktranscriptionfull-lengthproducedshowingaffectedproductionAdditionallyappearsdeletionmadesusceptibleHOmoleculardetailsMgrR'srolesHOdefenceyetdefinedresultssuggestalternativefunctionallowedretainedsustainingpotentiallydisruptivemutationRNAEscherichiafergusoniioxidativestressevolution

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