Laboratory and Diagnostic Light Office Procedures.

Annie Rutter, Madeline Haas
Author Information
  1. Annie Rutter: Department of Family & Community Medicine, Albany Medical College, 43 New Scotland Avenue, Albany, NY 12208, USA.
  2. Madeline Haas: Department of Family & Community Medicine, Albany Medical College, 391 Myrtle Avenue, Suite 4B, Albany, NY 12208, USA. Electronic address:


Office-based laboratory and bedside diagnostic procedures can be a helpful tool when assessing patients in the ambulatory setting. Diagnostic tests using a microscope (including assessment of vaginal discharge, urinary sediment, or skin scraping) or a diagnostic ultraviolet (UV) light (when evaluating the cornea or skin) can add valuable information to aid in proper diagnosis. This chapter will review necessary materials, technique, and interpretation for these often simple and inexpensive evaluations.


MeSH Term

Ultraviolet Rays

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0diagnosticcanDiagnosticdischargesedimentskinOfficeOffice-basedlaboratorybedsideprocedureshelpfultoolassessingpatientsambulatorysettingtestsusingmicroscopeincludingassessmentvaginalurinaryscrapingultravioletUVlightevaluatingcorneaaddvaluableinformationaidproperdiagnosischapterwillreviewnecessarymaterialstechniqueinterpretationoftensimpleinexpensiveevaluationsLaboratoryLightProceduresFluoresceinMicroscopemicroscopyPotassiumhydroxideKOHpreparationUrineVaginitis/vaginalWetprep/wetmountWood'slamp

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