Food consumption patterns of the urban adult population in the field practice area of a teaching hospital in Kolkata, using food frequency questionnaire.

Paramita Sarkar, Sayeli Mitra, Rivu Basu
Author Information
  1. Paramita Sarkar: Department of Community Medicine, R G Kar Medical College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
  2. Sayeli Mitra: Department of Community Medicine, R G Kar Medical College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
  3. Rivu Basu: Department of Community Medicine, R G Kar Medical College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.


BACKGROUND: Nutrition transition has replaced homemade foods with processed items that increased the prevalence of noncommunicable disease in adult population. But we know little about the food intake pattern of adults specially in urban sector.
AIMS: The study aimed at describing the food-consumption patterns in a sample of adults residing in urban area.
SETTINGS AND DESIGN: An observational cross-sectional study was done from April to June, 2019 at urban field practice area of a teaching hospital of Kolkata.
METHODS AND MATERIAL: A prevalidated, pretested, 51-item, food-frequency questionnaire was applied to assess the food-consumption pattern of 110 participants.
RESULTS: Adults reported poor dietary intakes; more than half reported no consumption of green-leafy vegetables (GLV) (66.4%), other vegetables (52.8%), and fruits (63.6%). Whereas 72.7% reported consumption of three or more servings of energy-dense foods and 90.9% reported consumption of three or more servings of energy-dense beverages on previous day. Mean intake of food varied from 0.34 (SD = 0.47) for GLV to 8.19 (SD = 2.39) for cereals. Females consumed more servings of GLV, other vegetables, roots-tubers, and fruits than males. Fruit consumption was low in all age groups. Higher socioeconomic class people strikingly consumed no GLV.
CONCLUSIONS: Study participants reported consumption of more energy-dense snacks, beverages than healthy food like GLV, fruits. Study findings highlight to design strategies to promote nutrition education and practical application of healthy food habits in target population group.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0consumptionfoodurbanreportedGLVvegetablespopulationareaquestionnairefruitsservingsenergy-densehealthyfoodsadultintakepatternadultsstudyfood-consumptionpatternsANDfieldpracticeteachinghospitalKolkatafood-frequencyparticipantsAdultsgreen-leafythreebeverages0SD=consumedStudynutritionBACKGROUND:NutritiontransitionreplacedhomemadeprocesseditemsincreasedprevalencenoncommunicablediseaseknowlittlespeciallysectorAIMS:aimeddescribingsampleresidingSETTINGSDESIGN:observationalcross-sectionaldoneAprilJune2019METHODSMATERIAL:prevalidatedpretested51-itemappliedassess110RESULTS:poordietaryintakeshalf664%528%636%Whereas727%909%previousdayMeanvaried3447819239cerealsFemalesroots-tubersmalesFruitlowagegroupsHighersocioeconomicclasspeoplestrikinglyCONCLUSIONS:snackslikefindingshighlightdesignstrategiespromoteeducationpracticalapplicationhabitstargetgroupFoodusingfrequencyeating

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