The link between chronic gastritis and chemosensory receptors is considered promising for disease prediction and treatment. The transient receptor potential melastatin member channel 5 (TRPM5) is an ion channel and may be a chemosensor in the gastrointestinal tract. Trace elements and minerals involved in many protein structures can change ion channel activity. Our study aimed to determine trace element and mineral levels according to TRPM5 Asn235Ser missense polymorphism distributions in patients with H. pylori (+) and (-) gastritis and to uncover their possible association with disease pathogenesis. In 109 volunteer patients diagnosed with gastritis [64 H. pylori (+), 45 H. pylori (-)], TRPM5 (Asn235Ser) polymorphism was detected by Kompetitive Allele-Specific PCR method (KASP), but no difference was found between the groups. There are differences between the serum trace element (Se, Zn, Cu, Mg, and Cu/Zn) levels of the two groups. High serum Se and Cu/Zn ratios were detected in H. pylori (+) patients. Cu/Zn ratio can be used as a marker of bacterial inflammation. The amount of Se was found to be statistically significant in the serums of H. pylori (+) patients carrying TT and CT genotype, while the amounts of Zn, Cu, and Mg were found as significant of H. pylori (-) patients. The relationship of Se with the H. pylori needs to be investigated further. In addition, H. pylori (+) patients have a significantly higher neutrophils/lymphocytes ratio (NLR) compared to those with H. pylori (-) NLR can be used as an indicator of inflammation.