Primary healthcare reform for chronic conditions in countries with high or very high human development index: A systematic review.

Mohammed Alyousef, Corina Naughton, Colin Bradley, Eileen Savage
Author Information
  1. Mohammed Alyousef: School of Nursing and Midwifery, 8795University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. ORCID
  2. Corina Naughton: School of Nursing and Midwifery, 8795University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.
  3. Colin Bradley: The Department of General Practice, 8795University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.
  4. Eileen Savage: School of Nursing and Midwifery, 8795University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.


OBJECTIVE: To address the growing burden of chronic disease globally, many countries have developed a national policy for primary healthcare reform. In some countries with high and very high human development index, evaluations of the implementation of these reforms have been published. To date, there has been no systematic review of these evaluations. The objectives of this review are to identify: (a) the vision for primary healthcare; (b) the features of primary healthcare reforms; and (c) evaluation findings of primary healthcare reforms.
METHODS: A systematic literature review was conducted guided by the PRISMA statement. We searched for academic articles and grey literature from 1 March 2008 to 1 September 2020. Screening and data extraction were conducted by two authors. Descriptive analysis and narrative synthesis were applied.
RESULTS: A vision for integrated primary healthcare shifting chronic disease management from specialist hospital services to primary care was found to require new organization and funding models such as collaborative primary healthcare networks and commissioning along with shared governance across health sectors. The need for general practitioner leadership and engagement to support primary healthcare reform was identified. Although there was evidence of barriers in progressing primary healthcare reform, evaluation results showed some positive outcomes, most notably shifts in services towards increased primary care access and utilization.
DISCUSSION: A challenge in undertaking the review was the heterogeneity of articles with little consistency in how primary healthcare reform was evaluated and reported on across countries. Evaluation of national health reforms involves complex system-wide projects and is an area that needs further exploration and discussion to determine the most appropriate methodologies for collecting and analysing large-scale data with consideration for service and health outcomes.



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MeSH Term

Chronic Disease
General Practitioners
Health Care Reform

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0healthcareprimaryreformreviewchroniccountrieshighreformshealthdiseasesystematicservicescarenationalhumandevelopmentevaluationsvisionevaluationliteratureconductedarticles1dataintegratedmanagementacrossoutcomesPrimaryOBJECTIVE:addressgrowingburdengloballymanydevelopedpolicyindeximplementationpublisheddateobjectivesidentify:bfeaturescfindingsMETHODS:guidedPRISMAstatementsearchedacademicgreyMarch2008September2020ScreeningextractiontwoauthorsDescriptiveanalysisnarrativesynthesisappliedRESULTS:shiftingspecialisthospitalfoundrequireneworganizationfundingmodelscollaborativenetworkscommissioningalongsharedgovernancesectorsneedgeneralpractitionerleadershipengagementsupportidentifiedAlthoughevidencebarriersprogressingresultsshowedpositivenotablyshiftstowardsincreasedaccessutilizationDISCUSSION:challengeundertakingheterogeneitylittleconsistencyevaluatedreportedEvaluationinvolvescomplexsystem-wideprojectsareaneedsexplorationdiscussiondetermineappropriatemethodologiescollectinganalysinglarge-scaleconsiderationserviceconditionsindex:

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