Dark side of cyanobacteria: searching for strategies to control blooms.

Mar��a Jos�� Huertas, Manuel J Mall��n-Ponce
Author Information
  1. Mar��a Jos�� Huertas: Departamento de Bioqu��mica Vegetal y Biolog��a Molecular, Facultad de Biolog��a, Universidad de Sevilla, Profesor Garc��a Gonz��lez s/n, Sevilla, 41012, Spain. ORCID
  2. Manuel J Mall��n-Ponce: Instituto de Bioqu��mica Vegetal y Fotos��ntesis, Universidad de Sevilla-CSIC, Am��rico Vespucio 49, Sevilla, 41092, Spain. ORCID


Cyanobacteria are ecologically one of the most prolific groups of photosynthetic prokaryotes in marine and freshwater habitats. They are primary producer microorganisms and are involved in the production of important secondary metabolites, including toxic compounds such as cyanotoxins. Environmental conditions promote massive growth of these microbes, causing blooms that can have critical ecological and public health implications. In this highlight, we discuss some of the approaches being addressed to prevent these blooms, such as control of nutrient loading, treatments to minimize growth or monitoring interactions with other species.


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MeSH Term

Cyanobacteria Toxins
Fresh Water


Cyanobacteria Toxins

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0bloomsgrowthcontrolCyanobacteriaecologicallyoneprolificgroupsphotosyntheticprokaryotesmarinefreshwaterhabitatsprimaryproducermicroorganismsinvolvedproductionimportantsecondarymetabolitesincludingtoxiccompoundscyanotoxinsEnvironmentalconditionspromotemassivemicrobescausingcancriticalecologicalpublichealthimplicationshighlightdiscussapproachesaddressedpreventnutrientloadingtreatmentsminimizemonitoringinteractionsspeciesDarksidecyanobacteria:searchingstrategies

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