Relative Wellbeing of Women Maltreated as Children.

Linda Arnell, ��sa K��llstr��m, Hrafnhildur Gunnarsdottir
Author Information
  1. Linda Arnell: School of Law, Psychology and Social Work, 6233��rebro University, ��rebro, Sweden. ORCID
  2. ��sa K��llstr��m: School of Law, Psychology and Social Work, 6233��rebro University, ��rebro, Sweden.
  3. Hrafnhildur Gunnarsdottir: School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Institute of Medicine, 3570University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden. ORCID


This study explores and analyzes how adult women in Sweden exposed to childhood maltreatment describe wellbeing, by using a thematic analysis of 22 semi-structured interviews with women maltreated as children. The results show that wellbeing was described as relative to both social norms and the childhood experiences and constituted four dimensions: Material and/or economic; Social and relational;Emotional; and Physical and/or mental. This study concludes that it is important to consider the relative and multiple ways wellbeing can be experienced and understood and to problematize norms of wellbeing, acknowledging the various ways people appraise their lives.



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MeSH Term

Child Abuse

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0wellbeingwomenchildhoodstudySwedenmaltreatmentrelativenormsand/orwaysexploresanalyzesadultexposeddescribeusingthematicanalysis22semi-structuredinterviewsmaltreatedchildrenresultsshowdescribedsocialexperiencesconstitutedfourdimensions:MaterialeconomicSocialrelationalEmotionalPhysicalmentalconcludesimportantconsidermultiplecanexperiencedunderstoodproblematizeacknowledgingvariouspeopleappraiselivesRelativeWellbeingWomenMaltreatedChildrenqualitative

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