The Integrated Performance Management System: A Key to Service Trajectory Integration.

Line Moisan, Pierre-Luc Fournier, Denis Lagacé, Sylvain Landry
Author Information
  1. Line Moisan: Interdisciplinary Chair of Research and Intervention in Health Services, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 3351 Boulevard des Forges, Trois-Rivières (QC), CA. ORCID
  2. Pierre-Luc Fournier: Department of Information Systems and Quantitative Methods, Business School, Université de Sherbrooke, 2500 Boulevard de l'Université, Sherbrooke (QC), CA. ORCID
  3. Denis Lagacé: Interdisciplinary Chair of Research and Intervention in Health Services, Department of Industrial Engineering, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 3351 Boulevard des Forges, Trois-Rivières (QC), CA. ORCID
  4. Sylvain Landry: Department of Logistics and Operations Management, HEC Montréal, 3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal (QC), CA. ORCID


INTRODUCTION: This article presents an experience of deploying an integrated performance management system as a catalyst for the integration of a service trajectory for children in vulnerable situations. Called ''Jimmy'', the project identifies how the integrated performance management system makes it possible to improve accessibility, continuity of services and well-being at work among stakeholders.
METHODS: An action research was conducted in a large healthcare organization in Canada, between August 2016 and October 2018. Data was systematically collected throughout the various cycles of research using field notes, more than 350 hours of observations, 15 interviews and 3 focus groups.
RESULTS: This research supports using an integrated performance management system as a model for collaborative management that supports both horizontal and vertical integration in the service trajectory. The use of visual boards and status sheet meetings were determining factors for service integration and the functioning of integrated teams. This also led to improvements in accessibility and continuity of services, as well as in employee well-being.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Supported by the various tools of the integrated performance management system, Project ''Jimmy'' reinforces the implementation of linkage and coordination models, which in turn helps create strong connections among teams. The status sheet meetings and visual boards are tools that vertically integrate different hierarchical levels and horizontally integrate various front-line stakeholders through the user-oriented trajectory.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0integratedmanagementperformancesystemintegrationservicetrajectoryresearchvariousstatussheet''Jimmy''accessibilitycontinuityserviceswell-beingamongstakeholdersusingsupportsvisualboardsmeetingsteamstoolsintegrateINTRODUCTION:articlepresentsexperiencedeployingcatalystchildrenvulnerablesituationsCalledprojectidentifiesmakespossibleimproveworkMETHODS:actionconductedlargehealthcareorganizationCanadaAugust2016October2018Datasystematicallycollectedthroughoutcyclesfieldnotes350hoursobservations15interviews3focusgroupsRESULTS:modelcollaborativehorizontalverticalusedeterminingfactorsfunctioningalsoledimprovementswellemployeeDISCUSSIONANDCONCLUSION:SupportedProjectreinforcesimplementationlinkagecoordinationmodelsturnhelpscreatestrongconnectionsverticallydifferenthierarchicallevelshorizontallyfront-lineuser-orientedIntegratedPerformanceManagementSystem:KeyServiceTrajectoryIntegrationobeyameetingyouthsdifficulty

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