Screen media use and sleep patterns in Spanish adolescents during the lockdown of the coronavirus pandemic.

Marta Moraleda-Cibrián, Javier Albares-Tendero, Gonzalo Pin-Arboledas
Author Information
  1. Marta Moraleda-Cibrián: Sleep Disorders Center, Centro Médico Teknon, 12 De la Vilana Street, Marquesa building, Box 5, 08022, Barcelona, Spain. ORCID
  2. Javier Albares-Tendero: Sleep Disorders Center, Centro Médico Teknon, 12 De la Vilana Street, Marquesa building, Box 5, 08022, Barcelona, Spain.
  3. Gonzalo Pin-Arboledas: Department of Pediatrics, Hospital Quirónsalud, Valencia, Spain.


PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate screen media use and sleep patterns among Spanish adolescents during the lockdown (LD) of the first peak of the coronavirus pandemic.
METHODS: Cross-sectional community-based study of adolescents aged 11-18 years. An online questionnaire with queries about screen time, sleep, and other healthy habits was completed by parents or guardians.
RESULTS: Overall 265 adolescents were enrolled. The mean age was 13.6 ± 2.3 years, 58% were boys, 68% were in secondary school and 72% lived in urban areas. Before the LD (BLD) 87% of adolescents used electronic devices < 4 h/d, while during the LD (DLD) screen time was > 4 h/d in 75% of cases (p < 0.0001). A delayed wake time and bedtime weekdays (BLD wake time weekdays: later than 09:45 0.0% vs. DLD 30%, p < 0.0001, and BLD bedtime weekdays: later than 00:30 3% vs. DLD 35%, p < 0.0001) and weekends DLD was observed. Adolescents who used electronic devices > 4 h/d DLD compared with those who used < 4 h/d reported more frequently long sleep latency (93% vs. 7%, p = 0.007), low sunlight exposure (77% vs. 23%, p = 0.031), less physical activity (86%. vs. 15%, p = 0.011) and weight gain (78%. vs. 22%, p = 0.049).
CONCLUSIONS: During the lockdown Spanish adolescents reported elevated screen time and delayed sleep patterns. An increase in screen media use was associated with unhealthy habits.



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MeSH Term

Cross-Sectional Studies
Surveys and Questionnaires

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0adolescentstimevsscreensleepDLDp = 0mediapatternsSpanishlockdownLDhabitsBLDp < 00001studyusecoronaviruspandemicusedelectronicdelayedwakebedtimeweekdays:laterreportedScreenPURPOSE:aiminvestigateamongfirstpeakMETHODS:Cross-sectionalcommunity-basedaged11-18 yearsonlinequestionnairequerieshealthycompletedparentsguardiansRESULTS:Overall265enrolledmeanage136 ± 23 years58%boys68%secondaryschool72%livedurbanareas87%devices < 4 h/dwas > 4 h/d75%casesweekdays09:4500%30%00:303%35%weekendsobservedAdolescentsdevices > 4 h/dcomparedused < 4 h/dfrequentlylonglatency93%7%007lowsunlightexposure77%23%031lessphysicalactivity86%15%011weightgain78%22%049CONCLUSIONS:elevatedincreaseuse wasassociatedunhealthyAdolescenceCOVID-19ChronobiologyHealthySleep

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