Predictive Effect of Internet Addiction and Academic Values on Satisfaction With Academic Performance Among High School Students in Mainland China.

Diya Dou, Daniel T L Shek
Author Information
  1. Diya Dou: Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.
  2. Daniel T L Shek: Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.


Academic performance occupies an important role in adolescent development. It reflects adolescents' cognitive ability and also shapes their academic and career paths. Students who are satisfied with their school performance tend to show higher self-esteem, confidence, and motivation. Previous research has suggested that students' problem behaviors, such as Internet Addiction (IA), and academic values, including intrinsic and utility values, could predict satisfaction with academic performance. However, the influence of IA and academic values has not been thoroughly explored in Chinese contexts where the pressure for academic success is heavy. This study examined the relationships between IA, academic values (intrinsic and utility value), and satisfaction with academic performance using two waves of data collected from secondary school students in four cities in mainland China. The matched sample included a total of 2,648 Grade 7 or 8 students (57.1% were boys with a mean age of 13.1 years at Wave 1). Participants completed the same questionnaire containing validated measures at both waves with a 1-year interval. In line with the hypotheses, multiple regression analyses showed that Wave 1 IA was a significant negative predictor of Wave 2 intrinsic value, utility value, and satisfaction with academic performance and their changes. Results of mediation analyses revealed that only intrinsic value, but not utility value, positively predicted satisfaction with academic performance. Structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses also showed similar findings. Two observations are concluded from the present findings: IA impaired students' intrinsic value, utility value, and perceived satisfaction with academic performance; two aspects of academic values demonstrated different influences on satisfaction with academic performance. These findings provide implications for the promotion of academic satisfaction experienced by students and the prevention of negative effects of IA.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0academicperformancesatisfactionvalueIAvaluesintrinsicutilitystudentsAcademicschoolChinaWaveanalysesalsoStudentsstudents'InternetAddictiontwowavesmainland21showednegativefindingsoccupiesimportantroleadolescentdevelopmentreflectsadolescents'cognitiveabilityshapescareerpathssatisfiedtendshowhigherself-esteemconfidencemotivationPreviousresearchsuggestedproblembehaviorsincludingpredictHoweverinfluencethoroughlyexploredChinesecontextspressuresuccessheavystudyexaminedrelationshipsusingdatacollectedsecondaryfourcitiesmatchedsampleincludedtotal648Grade78571%boysmeanage131 yearsParticipantscompletedquestionnairecontainingvalidatedmeasures1-yearintervallinehypothesesmultipleregressionsignificantpredictorchangesResultsmediationrevealedpositivelypredictedStructuralequationmodelingSEMsimilarTwoobservationsconcludedpresentfindings:impairedperceivedaspectsdemonstrateddifferentinfluencesprovideimplicationspromotionexperiencedpreventioneffectsPredictiveEffectValuesSatisfactionPerformanceAmongHighSchoolMainlandhighinternetaddiction

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