Review of Cancer-Specific Quality Measures Promoting the Avoidance of Low-Value Care.

Brandon L Ellsworth, Allan K Metz, Nicole M Mott, Ruby Kazemi, Michael Stover, Tasha Hughes, Lesly A Dossett
Author Information
  1. Brandon L Ellsworth: University of Michigan School of Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
  2. Allan K Metz: University of Michigan School of Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
  3. Nicole M Mott: University of Michigan School of Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
  4. Ruby Kazemi: University of Michigan School of Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
  5. Michael Stover: University of Michigan School of Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
  6. Tasha Hughes: Department of Surgery, Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
  7. Lesly A Dossett: Department of Surgery, Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.


BACKGROUND: With rising healthcare costs and campaigns aimed at avoiding low-value care, reducing cancer overtreatment has emerged as an important measure of cancer care quality. The extent to which avoidance of low-value care has been incorporated in cancer-specific quality measures is unknown. We aimed to identify and characterize cancer quality measures that promote the avoidance of low-value care, and identify gaps that may guide future measure development.
METHODS: We systematically identified cancer-specific quality measures from leading quality measure organizations [e.g., National Quality Forum (NQF), National Quality Measures Clearinghouse (NQMC)]. We reviewed measures promoting the avoidance of low-value cancer care and subclassified them into disease site- or non-disease site-specific categories and the phase of care they targeted.
RESULTS: We reviewed 313 quality measures from six organizations. Of these, 18% (n = 55) focused on avoidance of low-value care. Quality measures focused on end-of-life care were most likely to focus on low-value care [n = 13 (50%)], followed by breast [n = 12 (18%)], lung [n = 9 (31%)], colon [n = 8 (20%)], prostate [n = 5 (38%)], general cancer care [n = 4 (3%)], symptoms and toxicities [n = 2 (40%)], and palliative cancer care [n = 2 (11%)] measures. The phases of care quality measures targeted included low-value screening [n = 5 (9%)], diagnostic testing and staging [n = 7 (13%)], treatment [n = 19 (34%)], surveillance [n = 6 (11%)], and clinical outcomes [n = 18 (33%)]. All categories had a treatment-specific quality measure, but no category had a representative measure for every phase of care.
DISCUSSION: A minority of cancer quality measures are aimed at avoiding low-value care, and multiple evidence-based recommendations targeting low-value care have not been incorporated.


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Low-Value Care
Quality Indicators, Health Care
Quality of Health Care
Terminal Care

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