Comparative genomics of plant pathogenic Diaporthe species and transcriptomics of Diaporthe caulivora during host infection reveal insights into pathogenic strategies of the genus.

Eilyn Mena, Silvia Garaycochea, Silvina Stewart, Marcos Montesano, Inés Ponce De León
Author Information
  1. Eilyn Mena: Departamento de Biología Molecular, Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable, Avenida Italia 3318, CP 11600, Montevideo, Uruguay.
  2. Silvia Garaycochea: Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), Estación Experimental INIA Las Brujas, Ruta 48 Km 10, Canelones, Uruguay.
  3. Silvina Stewart: Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), Programa Cultivos de Secano, Estación Experimental La Estanzuela, Ruta 50 km 11, 70000, Colonia, Uruguay.
  4. Marcos Montesano: Departamento de Biología Molecular, Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable, Avenida Italia 3318, CP 11600, Montevideo, Uruguay.
  5. Inés Ponce De León: Departamento de Biología Molecular, Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable, Avenida Italia 3318, CP 11600, Montevideo, Uruguay.


BACKGROUND: Diaporthe caulivora is a fungal pathogen causing stem canker in soybean worldwide. The generation of genomic and transcriptomic information of this ascomycete, together with a comparative genomic approach with other pathogens of this genus, will contribute to get insights into the molecular basis of pathogenicity strategies used by D. caulivora and other Diaporthe species.
RESULTS: In the present work, the nuclear genome of D. caulivora isolate (D57) was resolved, and a comprehensive annotation based on gene expression and genomic analysis is provided. Diaporthe caulivora D57 has an estimated size of 57,86 Mb and contains 18,385 predicted protein-coding genes, from which 1501 encode predicted secreted proteins. A large array of D. caulivora genes encoding secreted pathogenicity-related proteins was identified, including carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes), necrosis-inducing proteins, oxidoreductases, proteases and effector candidates. Comparative genomics with other plant pathogenic Diaporthe species revealed a core secretome present in all Diaporthe species as well as Diaporthe-specific and D. caulivora-specific secreted proteins. Transcriptional profiling during early soybean infection stages showed differential expression of 2659 D. caulivora genes. Expression patterns of upregulated genes and gene ontology enrichment analysis revealed that host infection strategies depends on plant cell wall degradation and modification, detoxification of compounds, transporter activities and toxin production. Increased expression of effectors candidates suggests that D. caulivora pathogenicity also rely on plant defense evasion. A high proportion of the upregulated genes correspond to the core secretome and are represented in the pathogen-host interaction (PHI) database, which is consistent with their potential roles in pathogenic strategies of the genus Diaporthe.
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings give novel and relevant insights into the molecular traits involved in pathogenicity of D. caulivora towards soybean plants. Some of these traits are in common with other Diaporthe pathogens with different host specificity, while others are species-specific. Our analyses also highlight the importance to have a deeper understanding of pathogenicity functions among Diaporthe pathogens and their interference with plant defense activation.



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Plant Diseases

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0DiaporthecaulivoraDgenesplantpathogenspathogenicitystrategiesspeciesproteinspathogenicsoybeangenomicgenusinsightsexpressionsecretedinfectionhostmolecularpresentD57geneanalysispredictedcandidatesComparativegenomicsrevealedcoresecretomeupregulatedalsodefensetraitsBACKGROUND:fungalpathogencausingstemcankerworldwidegenerationtranscriptomicinformationascomycetetogethercomparativeapproachwillcontributegetbasisusedRESULTS:worknucleargenomeisolateresolvedcomprehensiveannotationbasedprovidedestimatedsize5786 Mbcontains18385protein-coding1501encodelargearrayencodingpathogenicity-relatedidentifiedincludingcarbohydrate-activeenzymesCAZymesnecrosis-inducingoxidoreductasesproteaseseffectorwellDiaporthe-specificcaulivora-specificTranscriptionalprofilingearlystagesshoweddifferential2659ExpressionpatternsontologyenrichmentdependscellwalldegradationmodificationdetoxificationcompoundstransporteractivitiestoxinproductionIncreasedeffectorssuggestsrelyevasionhighproportioncorrespondrepresentedpathogen-hostinteractionPHIdatabaseconsistentpotentialrolesCONCLUSIONS:findingsgivenovelrelevantinvolvedtowardsplantscommondifferentspecificityothersspecies-specificanalyseshighlightimportancedeeperunderstandingfunctionsamonginterferenceactivationtranscriptomicsrevealEffectorsGenomesPathogenicityfactorsRNAseqSecretomeSoybean

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