The Future of Burn Care From a Complexity Science Perspective.

Paul P M van Zuijlen, Halil Ibrahim Korkmaz, Vivek M Sheraton, Tsjitske M Haanstra, Anouk Pijpe, Annebeth de Vries, Cornelis H van der Vlies, Eelke Bosma, Evelien de Jong, Esther Middelkoop, Fred J Vermolen, Peter M A Sloot
Author Information
  1. Paul P M van Zuijlen: Burn Center, Red Cross Hospital, Beverwijk, the Netherlands. ORCID
  2. Halil Ibrahim Korkmaz: Burn Center, Red Cross Hospital, Beverwijk, the Netherlands.
  3. Vivek M Sheraton: Institute for Advanced Study, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  4. Tsjitske M Haanstra: National Health Care Institute (Zorginstituut, Nederland), Diemen, the Netherlands.
  5. Anouk Pijpe: Burn Center, Red Cross Hospital, Beverwijk, the Netherlands.
  6. Annebeth de Vries: Burn Center, Red Cross Hospital, Beverwijk, the Netherlands.
  7. Cornelis H van der Vlies: Burn Centre and Department of Surgery, Maasstad Ziekenhuis, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  8. Eelke Bosma: Burn Centre and Department of Surgery, Martini Ziekenhuis, Groningen, the Netherlands.
  9. Evelien de Jong: Burn Center, Red Cross Hospital, Beverwijk, the Netherlands.
  10. Esther Middelkoop: Burn Center, Red Cross Hospital, Beverwijk, the Netherlands.
  11. Fred J Vermolen: Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.
  12. Peter M A Sloot: Institute for Advanced Study, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


Health care is undergoing a profound technological and digital transformation and has become increasingly complex. It is important for burns professionals and researchers to adapt to these developments which may require new ways of thinking and subsequent new strategies. As Einstein has put it: "We must learn to see the world anew." The relatively new scientific discipline "Complexity science" can give more direction to this and is the metaphorical open door that should not go unnoticed in view of the burn care of the future. Complexity science studies "why the whole is more than the sum of the parts." It studies how multiple separate components interact with each other and their environment and how these interactions lead to "behavior of the system." Biological systems are always part of smaller and larger systems and exhibit the behavior of adaptivity, hence the name complex adaptive systems. From the perspective of complexity science, a severe burn injury is an extreme disruption of the "human body system." But this disruption also applies to the systems at the organ and cellular levels. All these systems follow the principles of complex systems. Awareness of the scaling process at multilevel helps to understand and manage the complex situation when dealing with severe burn cases. This paper aims to create awareness of the concept of complexity and to demonstrate the value and possibilities of complexity science methods and tools for the future of burn care through examples from preclinical, clinical, and organizational perspectives in burn care.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0systemsburncarecomplex"newsciencecomplexityfutureComplexitystudiessystemseveredisruptionHealthundergoingprofoundtechnologicaldigitaltransformationbecomeincreasinglyimportantburnsprofessionalsresearchersadaptdevelopmentsmayrequirewaysthinkingsubsequentstrategiesEinsteinputit:"Wemustlearnseeworldanewrelativelyscientificdiscipline"Complexityscience"cangivedirectionmetaphoricalopendoorgounnoticedview"whywholesumpartsmultipleseparatecomponentsinteractenvironmentinteractionslead"behaviorBiologicalalwayspartsmallerlargerexhibitbehavioradaptivityhencenameadaptiveperspectiveinjuryextreme"humanbodyalsoappliesorgancellularlevelsfollowprinciplesAwarenessscalingprocessmultilevelhelpsunderstandmanagesituationdealingcasespaperaimscreateawarenessconceptdemonstratevaluepossibilitiesmethodstoolsexamplespreclinicalclinicalorganizationalperspectivesFutureBurnCareSciencePerspective

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