Policy Announcement, Investor Attention, and Stock Volatility: Evidence From the New Energy Vehicle Industry.

Mimi Su, Chen Wang
Author Information
  1. Mimi Su: School of Economics, Shandong University, Jinan, China.
  2. Chen Wang: School of Statistics, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan, China.


New energy vehicle (NEV) policies have greatly promoted the growth of the NEV industry in China, while also attracting a lot of investor attention. Using Chinese NEV concept stocks and related industrial policies, including purchase tax incentives (PTI) and promotion and application (P&A) policies, issued from 2011 to 2020 as the research setting, this paper adopts a panel data model to examine the impact of policy announcement on the volatility of NEV concept stocks, as well as the mediating role of investor attention in transmitting the impact. We find that NEV P&A policies have a significant and positive impact on NEV concept stock volatility, while PTI policies do not have a significant impact. Moreover, investor attention plays a partial mediating role in transmitting the impact of P&A policies on NEV stock market by increasing the stock volatility risk. Furthermore, there is heterogeneous effect of equity ownership in the relationship between policy announcement and investor attention on the volatility of NEV concept stocks; non-state-owned firms are more sensitive to the NEV P&A policies than state-owned firms. By analyzing the relationship between policy announcement and concept stock volatility, this paper enriches the research on NEV concept stocks and provides policy implications for the NEV industry.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0NEVpoliciesconceptvolatilityinvestorattentionimpactpolicystockstocksP&AannouncementNewenergyvehicleindustryChinesePTIresearchpapermediatingroletransmittingsignificantrelationshipfirmsgreatlypromotedgrowthChinaalsoattractinglotUsingrelatedindustrialincludingpurchasetaxincentivespromotionapplicationissued20112020settingadoptspaneldatamodelexaminewellfindpositiveMoreoverplayspartialmarketincreasingriskFurthermoreheterogeneouseffectequityownershipnon-state-ownedsensitivestate-ownedanalyzingenrichesprovidesimplicationsPolicyAnnouncementInvestorAttentionStockVolatility:EvidenceEnergyVehicleIndustrynew

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