BACKGROUND: In neonatology, parents play a central role as guarantors of the new-born's autonomy. Notifying parents about their infant's status in neonatal critical care is an integral part of the care. However, conveying this information can be very difficult for physicians and the neonatal medical team. The objective of this work is to assess the dimensions and dynamic processes of critical care communications in neonatal intensive care in order to enhance the development of theoretical and applied knowledge of these discussions. METHODS: This qualitative, descriptive study was conducted on critical care new-borns less than 28 days-old who were hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit. Verbatim communications with the parents were recorded using a dictaphone. RESULTS: The verbatim information had five themes: (a) critical care, (b) establishing the doctor-patient relationship, (c) assistance in decision making, (d) Socio-affective and (e) socio-symbolic dimensions. Our recordings underscored both the necessity of communication skills and the obligation to communicate effectively. Analysis of the dynamics of the communication process, according to the categories of delivering difficult information, showed few significant differences. CONCLUSION: Physician training needs to include how to effectively communicate to parents to optimize their participation and cooperation in managing their care.