Linear mixed models to handle missing at random data in trial-based economic evaluations.

Andrea Gabrio, Catrin Plumpton, Sube Banerjee, Baptiste Leurent
Author Information
  1. Andrea Gabrio: Department of Methodology and Statistics, Faculty of Health Medicine and Life Science, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands. ORCID
  2. Catrin Plumpton: Centre for Health Economics and Medicines Evaluation, Bangor University, Bangor, UK. ORCID
  3. Sube Banerjee: Faculty of Health, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK. ORCID
  4. Baptiste Leurent: Department of Medical Statistics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK. ORCID


Trial-based cost-effectiveness analyses (CEAs) are an important source of evidence in the assessment of health interventions. In these studies, cost and effectiveness outcomes are commonly measured at multiple time points, but some observations may be missing. Restricting the analysis to the participants with complete data can lead to biased and inefficient estimates. Methods, such as multiple imputation, have been recommended as they make better use of the data available and are valid under less restrictive Missing At Random (MAR) assumption. Linear mixed effects models (LMMs) offer a simple alternative to handle missing data under MAR without requiring imputations, and have not been very well explored in the CEA context. In this manuscript, we aim to familiarize readers with LMMs and demonstrate their implementation in CEA. We illustrate the approach on a randomized trial of antidepressants, and provide the implementation code in R and Stata. We hope that the more familiar statistical framework associated with LMMs, compared to other missing data approaches, will encourage their implementation and move practitioners away from inadequate methods.



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  1. MR/R010161/1/Medical Research Council

MeSH Term

Cost-Benefit Analysis
Data Interpretation, Statistical
Databases, Factual
Linear Models
Models, Statistical

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0datamissingLMMsimplementationcost-effectivenessmultipleanalysisMARLinearmixedmodelshandleCEArandomizedtrialTrial-basedanalysesCEAsimportantsourceevidenceassessmenthealthinterventionsstudiescosteffectivenessoutcomescommonlymeasuredtimepointsobservationsmayRestrictingparticipantscompletecanleadbiasedinefficientestimatesMethodsimputationrecommendedmakebetteruseavailablevalidlessrestrictiveMissingRandomassumptioneffectsoffersimplealternativewithoutrequiringimputationswellexploredcontextmanuscriptaimfamiliarizereadersdemonstrateillustrateapproachantidepressantsprovidecodeRStatahopefamiliarstatisticalframeworkassociatedcomparedapproacheswillencouragemovepractitionersawayinadequatemethodsrandomtrial-basedeconomicevaluationsmixed-effectsrepeatedmeasuresmodel

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