Effect of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) extract in antioxidant status and intestinal morphology of pulmonary hypertensive chickens.

Shahab Bahadoran, Younes Teymouri, Hossein Hassanpour, Abdolnaser Mohebbi, Mohammad Reza Akbari
Author Information
  1. Shahab Bahadoran: Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran. ORCID
  2. Younes Teymouri: Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran.
  3. Hossein Hassanpour: Department of Basic Sciences, Physiology Division, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahrekord, Iran.
  4. Abdolnaser Mohebbi: Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran.
  5. Mohammad Reza Akbari: Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran.


OBJECTIVES: The effects of dietary sage on the growth performance, antioxidant status, intestinal mucosa morphology, and pulmonary hypertensive response were investigated in broiler chickens with pulmonary hypertension.
METHODS: Chicks (Ross 308) were reared under cold stress for 35 days and treated with 0.05% vitamin C (positive control) and 0 (control), 0.1 or 0.2% sage extracts, then performance, oxidant and antioxidant status, and intestinal morphology were evaluated.
RESULTS: The index of pulmonary hypertension (RV:TV) was decreased, and weight gain (days 22-35) was increased in all treatments (except for sage 0.1%) compared with control (P < 0.05). Lipid peroxidation was decreased, whereas the activity of antioxidant enzymes (GPX, CAT, and SOD) was increased in the sage 0.2% group compared with control (P < 0.05). In the lung, SOD, CAT, and GPX transcripts were decreased in the sage 0.2% group compared with control (P < 0.05). In the right ventricle of the heart, SOD and CAT transcripts were increased in the sage 0.2% group compared with other groups of chickens, whereas GPX transcript was decreased (P < 0.05). The jejunal villus length in the chickens fed sage was significantly lower than in control (P < 0.05). The ileal villus width, villus surface area, and lamina proporia thickness in the chickens fed sage (0.2%) were increased compared with control (P < 0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: Dietary supplementation of sage (0.2%) could modulate pulmonary hypertensive response, improve antioxidant status (enzymatic activity), intestinal morphometry, and absorptive surface in the broiler chickens.



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MeSH Term

Dietary Supplements
Salvia officinalis
Hypertension, Pulmonary
Plant Extracts
Superoxide Dismutase


Plant Extracts
Superoxide Dismutase

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0sage0controlchickens2%P < 005antioxidantpulmonarycomparedstatusintestinaldecreasedincreasedmorphologyhypertensivebroilerGPXCATSODgroupvillusperformanceresponsehypertensiondayswhereasactivitytranscriptsfedsurfaceOBJECTIVES:effectsdietarygrowthmucosainvestigatedMETHODS:ChicksRoss308rearedcoldstress35treated05%vitaminCpositive1extractsoxidantevaluatedRESULTS:indexRV:TVweightgain22-35treatmentsexcept1%LipidperoxidationenzymeslungrightventricleheartgroupstranscriptjejunallengthsignificantlylowerilealwidtharealaminaproporiathicknessCONCLUSIONS:DietarysupplementationmodulateimproveenzymaticmorphometryabsorptiveEffectSalviaofficinalisLextractascitesdigestivesystemherbalplant

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