Attenuation of Post-Exercise Energy Intake Following 12 Weeks of Sprint Interval Training in Men and Women with Overweight.

Natalya J Beer, Ben Jackson, James A Dimmock, Kym J Guelfi
Author Information
  1. Natalya J Beer: School of Human Sciences (Exercise & Sport Science), The University of Western Australia, Perth 6009, Australia.
  2. Ben Jackson: School of Human Sciences (Exercise & Sport Science), The University of Western Australia, Perth 6009, Australia.
  3. James A Dimmock: Department of Psychology, College of Healthcare Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville 4810, Australia.
  4. Kym J Guelfi: School of Human Sciences (Exercise & Sport Science), The University of Western Australia, Perth 6009, Australia. ORCID


An acute bout of sprint interval training (SIT) performed with psychological need-support incorporating autonomy, competence, and relatedness has been shown to attenuate energy intake at the post-exercise meal, but the long-term effects are not known. The aim of this trial was to investigate the effects of 12 weeks of SIT combined with need-support on post-exercise food consumption. Thirty-six physically inactive participants with overweight and obesity (BMI: 29.6 ± 3.8 kg·m−2; V˙O2peak 20.8 ± 4.1 mL·kg−1·min−1) completed three sessions per week of SIT (alternating cycling for 15 s at 170% V˙O2peak and 60 s at 32% V˙O2peak) with need-support or traditional moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) without need-support (continuous cycling at 60% V˙O2peak). Assessments of appetite, appetite-related hormones, and ad libitum energy intake in response to acute exercise were conducted pre- and post-intervention. Fasting appetite and blood concentrations of active ghrelin, leptin, and insulin did not significantly differ between groups or following the training. Post-exercise energy intake from snacks decreased significantly from pre- (807 ± 550 kJ) to post- SIT (422 ± 468 kJ; p < 0.05) but remained unaltered following MICT. SIT with psychological need-support appears well-tolerated in a physically inactive population with overweight and offers an alternative to traditional exercise prescription where dietary intake is of concern.



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MeSH Term

Energy Intake
High-Intensity Interval Training



Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0SITneed-supportenergyintake±V˙O2peaktrainingappetiteexerciseacuteintervalpsychologicalpost-exerciseeffects12foodconsumptionphysicallyinactiveoverweight8cyclingstraditionalcontinuousMICTpre-ghrelinsignificantlyfollowingkJboutsprintperformedincorporatingautonomycompetencerelatednessshownattenuatemeallong-termknownaimtrialinvestigateweekscombinedThirty-sixparticipantsobesityBMI:2963kg·m−22041mL·kg−1·min−1completedthreesessionsperweekalternating15170%6032%moderate-intensitywithout60%Assessmentsappetite-relatedhormonesadlibitumresponseconductedpost-interventionFastingbloodconcentrationsactiveleptininsulindiffergroupsPost-exercisesnacksdecreased807550post-422468p<005remainedunalteredappearswell-toleratedpopulationoffersalternativeprescriptiondietaryconcernAttenuationPost-ExerciseEnergyIntakeFollowingWeeksSprintIntervalTrainingMenWomenOverweightbalancehigh-intensity

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