What Was Old Is New Again: The Pennate Diatom (Gaillon) Simonsen in the Multi-Omic Age.

Noujoud Gabed, Frédéric Verret, Aurélie Peticca, Igor Kryvoruchko, Romain Gastineau, Orlane Bosson, Julie Séveno, Olga Davidovich, Nikolai Davidovich, Andrzej Witkowski, Jon Bent Kristoffersen, Amel Benali, Efstathia Ioannou, Aikaterini Koutsaviti, Vassilios Roussis, Hélène Gâteau, Suliya Phimmaha, Vincent Leignel, Myriam Badawi, Feriel Khiar, Nellie Francezon, Mostefa Fodil, Pamela Pasetto, Jean-Luc Mouget
Author Information
  1. Noujoud Gabed: Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Gournes Pediados, 71003 Heraklion, Greece.
  2. Frédéric Verret: Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Gournes Pediados, 71003 Heraklion, Greece. ORCID
  3. Aurélie Peticca: Laboratoire Biologie des Organismes, Stress, Santé, Environnement (BiOSSE), Le Mans Université, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans, France. ORCID
  4. Igor Kryvoruchko: Department of Biology, United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), Al Ain P.O. Box 15551, United Arab Emirates.
  5. Romain Gastineau: Institute of Marine and Environmental Sciences, University of Szczecin, Mickiewicza 16, 70-383 Szczecin, Poland.
  6. Orlane Bosson: Laboratoire Biologie des Organismes, Stress, Santé, Environnement (BiOSSE), Le Mans Université, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans, France.
  7. Julie Séveno: Laboratoire Biologie des Organismes, Stress, Santé, Environnement (BiOSSE), Le Mans Université, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans, France.
  8. Olga Davidovich: Karadag Scientific Station, Natural Reserve of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kurortnoe, 98188 Feodosiya, Russia.
  9. Nikolai Davidovich: Institute of Marine and Environmental Sciences, University of Szczecin, Mickiewicza 16, 70-383 Szczecin, Poland. ORCID
  10. Andrzej Witkowski: Institute of Marine and Environmental Sciences, University of Szczecin, Mickiewicza 16, 70-383 Szczecin, Poland. ORCID
  11. Jon Bent Kristoffersen: Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Gournes Pediados, 71003 Heraklion, Greece.
  12. Amel Benali: Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Gournes Pediados, 71003 Heraklion, Greece.
  13. Efstathia Ioannou: Section of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Natural Products, Department of Pharmacy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis Zografou, 15771 Athens, Greece. ORCID
  14. Aikaterini Koutsaviti: Section of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Natural Products, Department of Pharmacy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis Zografou, 15771 Athens, Greece. ORCID
  15. Vassilios Roussis: Section of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Natural Products, Department of Pharmacy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis Zografou, 15771 Athens, Greece. ORCID
  16. Hélène Gâteau: Laboratoire Biologie des Organismes, Stress, Santé, Environnement (BiOSSE), Le Mans Université, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans, France.
  17. Suliya Phimmaha: Laboratoire Biologie des Organismes, Stress, Santé, Environnement (BiOSSE), Le Mans Université, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans, France.
  18. Vincent Leignel: Laboratoire Biologie des Organismes, Stress, Santé, Environnement (BiOSSE), Le Mans Université, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans, France.
  19. Myriam Badawi: Laboratoire Biologie des Organismes, Stress, Santé, Environnement (BiOSSE), Le Mans Université, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans, France. ORCID
  20. Feriel Khiar: Laboratoire Biologie des Organismes, Stress, Santé, Environnement (BiOSSE), Le Mans Université, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans, France.
  21. Nellie Francezon: Institut des Molécules et Matériaux du Mans, UMR CNRS 6283, Le Mans Université, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 2085 Le Mans, France.
  22. Mostefa Fodil: Laboratoire Biologie des Organismes, Stress, Santé, Environnement (BiOSSE), Le Mans Université, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans, France. ORCID
  23. Pamela Pasetto: Institut des Molécules et Matériaux du Mans, UMR CNRS 6283, Le Mans Université, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 2085 Le Mans, France. ORCID
  24. Jean-Luc Mouget: Laboratoire Biologie des Organismes, Stress, Santé, Environnement (BiOSSE), Le Mans Université, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans, France.


The marine pennate diatom has long been known for its characteristic blue pigment marennine, which is responsible for the greening of invertebrate gills, a natural phenomenon of great importance for the oyster industry. For two centuries, this taxon was considered unique; however, the recent description of a new blue species revealed unsuspected biodiversity. Marennine-like pigments are natural blue dyes that display various biological activities-e.g., antibacterial, antioxidant and antiproliferative-with a great potential for applications in the food, feed, cosmetic and health industries. Regarding fundamental prospects, researchers use model organisms as standards to study cellular and physiological processes in other organisms, and there is a growing and crucial need for more, new and unconventional model organisms to better correspond to the diversity of the tree of life. The present work, thus, advocates for establishing as a new model organism by presenting its pros and cons-i.e., the interesting aspects of this peculiar diatom (representative of benthic-epiphytic phytoplankton, with original behavior and chemodiversity, controlled sexual reproduction, fundamental and applied-oriented importance, reference genome, and transcriptome will soon be available); it will also present the difficulties encountered before this becomes a reality as it is for other diatom models (the genetics of the species in its infancy, the transformation feasibility to be explored, the routine methods needed to cryopreserve strains of interest).



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  1. CMBR, MIS 5002670/European Union and Greece
  2. RADIO, 483/Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) and the General Secretariat for Re-search and Technology (GSRT)
  3. 120Z514 and 120Z247/The Boğaziçi University and The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜ-BİTAK)
  4. RFI - Food for tomorrow - Cap Aliment/Région des Pays de la Loire, France
  5. 734708/GHANA/H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016/European Union

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0diatombluenewmodelorganismsmarenninenaturalgreatimportancespeciesfundamentalpresenttranscriptomewillmarinepennatelongknowncharacteristicpigmentresponsiblegreeninginvertebrategillsphenomenonoysterindustrytwocenturiestaxonconsidereduniquehoweverrecentdescriptionrevealedunsuspectedbiodiversityMarennine-likepigmentsdyesdisplayvariousbiologicalactivities-egantibacterialantioxidantantiproliferative-withpotentialapplicationsfoodfeedcosmetichealthindustriesRegardingprospectsresearchersusestandardsstudycellularphysiologicalprocessesgrowingcrucialneedunconventionalbettercorresponddiversitytreelifeworkthusadvocatesestablishingorganismpresentingproscons-ieinterestingaspectspeculiarrepresentativebenthic-epiphyticphytoplanktonoriginalbehaviorchemodiversitycontrolledsexualreproductionapplied-orientedreferencegenomesoonavailablealsodifficultiesencounteredbecomesrealitymodelsgeneticsinfancytransformationfeasibilityexploredroutinemethodsneededcryopreservestrainsinterestOldNewAgain:PennateDiatomGaillonSimonsenMulti-OmicAgeHBIsHasleaostreariaauxosporulationdiatomsepigeneticsgenomicsphylogeny

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