Imaging of Bone in the Head and Neck Region, is There More Than CT?

Karen A Eley, Gaspar Delso
Author Information
  1. Karen A Eley: Department of Radiology, School of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Box 218, Cambridge, CB2 0QQ UK. ORCID
  2. Gaspar Delso: MR Applications & Workflow, GE Healthcare, Barcelona, Spain.


Purpose of Review: The objective of this review is to document the advances in non-ionising imaging alternatives to CT for the head and neck.
Recent Findings: The main alternative to CT for imaging bone of the head and neck region is MRI, particularly techniques which incorporate gradient echo imaging (Black Bone technique) and ultra-short or zero-echo time imaging. Since these techniques can provide high resolution isometric voxels, they can be used to provide multi-planar reformats and, following post processing, 3D reconstructed images of the craniofacial skeleton. As expected, the greatest advancements in recent years have been focused on enhanced image processing techniques and attempts to address the difficulties encountered at air-bone interfaces.
Summary: This article will review the imaging techniques and recent advancements which are bringing non-ionising alternatives to CT imaging of the bone of the head and neck region into the realm of routine clinical application.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0imagingtechniquesCTheadneckBonereviewnon-ionisingalternativesboneregionMRIcanprovideprocessingadvancementsrecentImagingPurposeReview:objectivedocumentadvancesRecentFindings:mainalternativeparticularlyincorporategradientechoBlacktechniqueultra-shortzero-echotimeSincehighresolutionisometricvoxelsusedmulti-planarreformatsfollowingpost3Dreconstructedimagescraniofacialskeletonexpectedgreatestyearsfocusedenhancedimageattemptsaddressdifficultiesencounteredair-boneinterfacesSummary:articlewillbringingrealmroutineclinicalapplicationHeadNeckRegionCT?3DCraniofacialRadiationprotection

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