Cost-effective management measures for coastal aquifers affected by saltwater intrusion and climate change.

Ismail Abd-Elaty, N L Kushwaha, Mark E Grismer, Ahmed Elbeltagi, Alban Kuriqi
Author Information
  1. Ismail Abd-Elaty: Water and Water Structures Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Zagazig, 44519, Egypt.
  2. N L Kushwaha: Division of Agricultural Engineering, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012, India. Electronic address:
  3. Mark E Grismer: Departments of LAWR and Biological & Agricultural Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. Electronic address:
  4. Ahmed Elbeltagi: Agricultural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, Egypt. Electronic address:
  5. Alban Kuriqi: CERIS, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. RoviscoPais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal. Electronic address:


Sustainable management of natural water resources and food security in the face of changing climate conditions is critical to the livelihood of coastal communities. Increasing inundation and saltwater intrusion (SWI) will likely adversely affect agricultural production and the associated beach access for tourism. This study uses an integrated surface-ground water model to introduce a new approach for retardation of SWI that consists of placing aquifer fill materials along the existing shoreline using Coastal Land Reclamation (CLR). The modeling results suggest that the artificial aquifer materials could be designed to decrease SWI by increasing the infiltration area of coastal precipitation, collecting runoffs from the catchment area, and applying treated wastewater or desalinated brackish water-using coastal wave energy to reduce water treatment costs. The SEAWAT model was applied to verify that it correctly addressed Henry's problem and then applied to the Biscayne aquifer, Florida, USA. In this study, to better inform Coastal Aquifer Management (CAM), we developed four modeling scenarios, namely, Physical Surface Barriers (PSB), including the artificial aquifer widths, permeability, and side slopes and recharge. In the base case scenario without artificial aquifer placement, results show that seawater levels would increase aquifer salinity and displace large amounts of presently available fresh groundwater. More specifically, for the Biscayne aquifer, approximately 0.50% of available fresh groundwater will be lost (that is, 41,192 m) per km of the width of the aquifer considering the increasing seawater level. Furthermore, the results suggest that placing the PSB aquifer with a smaller permeability of <100 m per day at a width of approximately 615 m increases the available fresh groundwater by approximately 45.20 and 43.90% per km of shoreline, respectively. Similarly, decreasing the slope on the aquifer-ocean side and increasing the aquifer recharge will increase freshwater availability by about 43.90 and 44.50% per km of the aquifer. Finally, placing an aquifer fill along the shallow shoreline increases net revenues to the coastal community through increased agricultural production and possibly tourism that offset fill placement and water treatment costs. This study is useful for integrated management of coastal zones by delaying aquifer salinity, protecting fresh groundwater bodies, increasing agricultural lands, supporting surface water supplies by harvesting rainfall and flash flooding, and desalinating saline water using wave energy. Also, the feasibility of freshwater storage and costs for CAM is achieved in this study.


MeSH Term

Climate Change
Cost-Benefit Analysis

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0aquiferwatercoastalSWIstudyincreasingfreshgroundwaterpermanagementwillagriculturalplacingfillshorelineCoastalmodelingresultsartificialcostsCAMavailableapproximatelymkmclimatesaltwaterintrusionproductiontourismintegratedmodelmaterialsalongusingsuggestareawaveenergytreatmentSEAWATappliedBiscayneAquiferPSBpermeabilitysiderechargeplacementseawaterincreasesalinity50%widthincreases43freshwaterSustainablenaturalresourcesfoodsecurityfacechangingconditionscriticallivelihoodcommunitiesIncreasinginundationlikelyadverselyaffectassociatedbeachaccessusessurface-groundintroducenewapproachretardationconsistsexistingLandReclamationCLRdesigneddecreaseinfiltrationprecipitationcollectingrunoffscatchmentapplyingtreatedwastewaterdesalinatedbrackishwater-usingreduceverifycorrectlyaddressedHenry'sproblemFloridaUSAbetterinformManagementdevelopedfourscenariosnamelyPhysicalSurfaceBarriersincludingwidthsslopesbasecasescenariowithoutshowlevelsdisplacelargeamountspresentlyspecifically0lost41192consideringlevelFurthermoresmaller<100day615452090%respectivelySimilarlydecreasingslopeaquifer-oceanavailability9044FinallyshallownetrevenuescommunityincreasedpossiblyoffsetusefulzonesdelayingprotectingbodieslandssupportingsurfacesuppliesharvestingrainfallflashfloodingdesalinatingsalineAlsofeasibilitystorageachievedCost-effectivemeasuresaquifersaffectedchangereclamationFreshwaterconservation

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