Rational Design of Plant Hairpin-like Peptide EcAMP1: Structural-Functional Correlations to Reveal Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity.

Anna S Barashkova, Dmitry Y Ryazantsev, Eugene A Rogozhin
Author Information
  1. Anna S Barashkova: Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAS), ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, 16/10, 117997 Moscow, Russia.
  2. Dmitry Y Ryazantsev: Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAS), ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, 16/10, 117997 Moscow, Russia.
  3. Eugene A Rogozhin: Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAS), ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, 16/10, 117997 Moscow, Russia. ORCID


Plant antimicrobial peptides from the α-hairpinins family (hairpin-like peptides) are known to possess a wide range of biological activities. However, less is known about the structural determinants of their antimicrobial activity. Here, we suggest that spatial structure as well as surface charge and hydrophobicity level contribute to the antimicrobial properties of α-hairpinin EcAMP1 from barnyard grass () seeds. To examine the role of the peptide spatial structure, two truncated forms of EcAMP1 restricted by inner and outer cysteine pairs were synthesized. It was shown that both truncated forms of EcAMP1 lost their antibacterial activity. In addition, their antifungal activity became weaker. To review the contribution of surface charge and hydrophobicity, another two peptides were designed. One of them carried single amino acid substitution from tryptophan to alanine residue at the 20th position. The second one represented a truncated form of the native EcAMP1 lacking six C-terminal residues. But the α-helix was kept intact. It was shown that the antifungal activity of both modified peptides weakened. Thereby we can conclude that the secondary structural integrity, hydrophobic properties, and surface charge all play roles in the antimicrobial properties of α-hairpinins. In addition, the antibacterial activity of cereal α-hairpinins against Gram-positive bacteria was described for the first time. This study expands on the knowledge of structure-function interactions in antimicrobial α-hairpinins.



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  1. 18-74-10073-P/Russian Science Foundation

MeSH Term

Anti-Bacterial Agents
Anti-Infective Agents
Antifungal Agents


Anti-Bacterial Agents
Anti-Infective Agents
Antifungal Agents

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0antimicrobialpeptidesactivityα-hairpininsEcAMP1surfacechargepropertiestruncatedantifungalPlanthairpin-likeknownstructuralspatialstructurehydrophobicitytwoformsshownantibacterialadditionaminoacidsubstitutionfamilypossesswiderangebiologicalactivitiesHoweverlessdeterminantssuggestwelllevelcontributeα-hairpininbarnyardgrassseedsexaminerolepeptiderestrictedinneroutercysteinepairssynthesizedlostbecameweakerreviewcontributionanotherdesignedOnecarriedsingletryptophanalanineresidue20thpositionsecondonerepresentedformnativelackingsixC-terminalresiduesα-helixkeptintactmodifiedweakenedTherebycanconcludesecondaryintegrityhydrophobicplayrolescerealGram-positivebacteriadescribedfirsttimestudyexpandsknowledgestructure-functioninteractionsRationalDesignHairpin-likePeptideEcAMP1:Structural-FunctionalCorrelationsRevealAntibacterialAntifungalActivityplant

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