Riverine Health Assessment Using Coordinated Development Degree Model Based on Natural and Social Functions in the Lhasa River, China.

Junhong Chen, Yanjun Kong, Yadong Mei
Author Information
  1. Junhong Chen: Guangxi Key Laboratory of Environmental Pollution Control Theory and Technology, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541004, China. ORCID
  2. Yanjun Kong: Changjiang Survey, Planning, Design and Research Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430011, China.
  3. Yadong Mei: State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China. ORCID


Rivers provide a variety of ecosystem services to humans. However, human interference significantly impairs the rivers' functions and poses a threat to river health. To increase the understanding of riverine health in Tibet, China from 2011 to 2014, this study used the Lhasa River as a case study and established a multiple indicator system incorporating both natural and social functions of the river. Weights of riverine health indicators were calculated using the entropy method. Moreover, to evaluate the coordination and development of natural and social functions, a coordinated development degree model was developed. The results showed that the entropy weights of natural and social functions in the target layer were 0.67 and 0.33, respectively. Natural functions, social functions, and riverine state index all decreased from upstream to downstream, and marked as "good" during the entire study period. In 2012, the coordinated development degree improved from previously "moderately coordinated" to "highly coordinated". Furthermore, the development of natural and social functions was synchronized throughout the study period. Further analysis revealed that the construction of hydraulic projects had a significant effect on the hydrological regime, resulting in an increase in social functions of the river. Therefore, the coordinated development degree model is shown to provide new insight into assessing riverine health in terms of both natural and social functions.



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Environmental Monitoring

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0functionssocialdevelopmenthealthriverinenaturalstudycoordinateddegreeriverLhasaRivermodelprovideincreaseChinasystementropy0Naturalindexperiodcoordinated"RiversvarietyecosystemserviceshumansHoweverhumaninterferencesignificantlyimpairsrivers'posesthreatunderstandingTibet20112014usedcaseestablishedmultipleindicatorincorporatingWeightsindicatorscalculatedusingmethodMoreoverevaluatecoordinationdevelopedresultsshowedweightstargetlayer6733respectivelystatedecreasedupstreamdownstreammarked"good"entire2012improvedpreviously"moderately"highlyFurthermoresynchronizedthroughoutanalysisrevealedconstructionhydraulicprojectssignificanteffecthydrologicalregimeresultingThereforeshownnewinsightassessingtermsRiverineHealthAssessmentUsingCoordinatedDevelopmentDegreeModelBasedSocialFunctionsassessment

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