B Burgos-Blasco, C F Caballero-Linares, C Fernández-Pérez, J A Gegúndez-Fernández, J García-Feijóo, P Arriola-Villalobos
OBJECTIVE: The main objective was to study the perception of physical and emotional health of Spanish ophthalmologists and their health habits, as well as the possible influence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
METHODS: An observational, cross-sectional, non-randomized and uncontrolled study was carried out among at Spanish ophthalmologists through an online survey of 47 questions on eating habits, tobacco, alcohol, physical exercise, workload, and perception of physical and emotional state.
RESULTS: Of a total of 2,179 ophthalmologists, 260 (11.9%) of whom 55% were men responded to the survey, with a mean age of 52.9±11.4 years. 5.8% were smokers. In total, 51.5% reported good physical health, with a mean Body Mass Index of 24.4kg/m. Overall, 53.5% reported depression, 66.9% tiredness, 34.6% difficulty sleeping, and 57.3% considered their work hard. Up to 28.5% of those surveyed had thought about leaving their job and 60.8% about reorganizing their workload. In total, 91.9% would continue to choose Ophthalmology as a specialty. In total, 36.2% reported an increase in workload, 42.3% worsening of physical state and 63.8% worsening of emotional state as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
CONCLUSIONS: Spanish ophthalmologists have a positive perception of their physical and emotional health, despite having life habits that are not always healthy and feeling mostly down. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative influence on the physical and emotional health of ophthalmologists.