Learning to Remove Rain in Video With Self-Supervision.

Wenhan Yang, Robby T Tan, Shiqi Wang, Alex C Kot, Jiaying Liu
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In heavy rain video, rain streak and rain accumulation are the most common causes of degradation. They occlude background information and can significantly impair the visibility. Most existing methods rely heavily on the synthetic training data, and thus raise the domain gap problem that prevents the trained models from performing adequately in real testing cases. Unlike these methods, we introduce a self-learning method to remove both rain streaks and rain accumulation without using any ground-truth clean images in training our model, which consequently can alleviate the domain gap issue. The main idea is based on the assumptions that (1) adjacent clean frames can be aligned or warped from one frame to another frame, (2) rain streaks are distributed randomly in the temporal domain, (3) the rain streak/accumulation related variables/priors can be inferred reliably from the information within the images/sequences. Based on these assumptions, we construct an augmented Self-Learned Deraining Network (SLDNet+) to remove both rain streaks and rain accumulation by utilizing temporal correlation, consistency, and rain-related priors. For the temporal correlation, our SLDNet+ takes rain degraded adjacent frames as its input, aligns them, and learns to predict the clean version of the current frame. For the temporal consistency, a new loss is designed to build a robust mapping between the predicted clean frame and non-rain regions from the adjacent rain frames. For the rain-streak-related prior, the rain streak removal network is optimized jointly with motion estimation and rain region detection; while for the rain-accumulation-related prior, a novel non-local video rain accumulation removal method is developed to estimate the accumulation-lines from the whole input video and to offer better color constancy and temporal smoothness. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our approach, which provides superior results compared with the existing state of the art methods both quantitatively and qualitatively. The source code will be made publicly available at: https://github.com/flyywh/CVPR-2020-Self-Rain-Removal-Journal.

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0raintemporalaccumulationcancleanframevideomethodsdomainstreaksadjacentframesstreakinformationexistingtraininggapmethodremoveassumptionsSLDNet+correlationconsistencyinputpriorremovalheavycommoncausesdegradationoccludebackgroundsignificantlyimpairvisibilityrelyheavilysyntheticdatathusraiseproblempreventstrainedmodelsperformingadequatelyrealtestingcasesUnlikeintroduceself-learningwithoutusingground-truthimagesmodelconsequentlyalleviateissuemainideabased1alignedwarpedoneanother2distributedrandomly3streak/accumulationrelatedvariables/priorsinferredreliablywithinimages/sequencesBasedconstructaugmentedSelf-LearnedDerainingNetworkutilizingrain-relatedpriorstakesdegradedalignslearnspredictversioncurrentnewlossdesignedbuildrobustmappingpredictednon-rainregionsrain-streak-relatednetworkoptimizedjointlymotionestimationregiondetectionrain-accumulation-relatednovelnon-localdevelopedestimateaccumulation-lineswholeofferbettercolorconstancysmoothnessExtensiveexperimentsshoweffectivenessapproachprovidessuperiorresultscomparedstateartquantitativelyqualitativelysourcecodewillmadepubliclyavailableat:https://githubcom/flyywh/CVPR-2020-Self-Rain-Removal-JournalLearningRemoveRainVideoSelf-Supervision

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