Correlation between helicobacter pylori infection and iron deficiency in children.

Yuanda Zhang, Jing Bi, Meiying Wang, Hongyu Deng, Wenli Yang
Author Information
  1. Yuanda Zhang: Yuanda Zhang, Department of Nutrition, Baoding Key Laboratory of Clinical Research on Children's Respiratory and Digestive Diseases, Baoding, Hebei, 071000, P.R. China.
  2. Jing Bi: Jing Bi, Department of Infectious Diseases, Baoding Laboratory for Accurate Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Baoding, Hebei, 071000, P.R. China.
  3. Meiying Wang: Meiying Wang, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Baoding Children's Hospital, Baoding, Hebei, 071000, P.R. China.
  4. Hongyu Deng: Hongyu Deng, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University 071000, China.
  5. Wenli Yang: Wenli Yang, Department of Clinical Nutrition, Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University, National Children's Medical Center, Beijing 100045, China.


Objectives: To investigate the correlation between Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection and Iron deficiency (ID) in children.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Baoding Children's Hospital from January 2018 to December 2019. A total of one thousand children who came to our hospital for physical examination and met the inclusion criteria were continuously included in this study. All the children were given questionnaires (personal and family social and economic status), a stool Hp antigen test and/or a 13C-urea breath test, as well as measurements of hemoglobin (Hb), mean red blood cell volume (MCV), red blood cell distribution width (RDW), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), serum ferritin (SF), serum iron (SI), and total iron binding capacity (TIBC). Children who tested positive for Hp were divided into the Hp group and children who tested negative for Hp were divided into the control group. ID or IDA was diagnosed based on the child's blood test results.
Results: A total of 902 children met the inclusion criteria, including 194 (21.5%) in the Hp group and 708 (78.5%) in the control group. The incidence of ID and IDA in Hp group was higher than that in control group (2=9.112, 2=4.478; All P < 0.05); The levels of MCV, SI, SF and Hb in Hp group were lower than those in control group (t=5.288; T = 3.864; T = 6.751; T =11.841, all P < 0.05), TIBC level was higher than that of control group (T =7.630, P < 0.05); The levels of MCHC and RDW in THE Hp group were not statistically significant compared with the control group. Logistic regression showed that Hp infection was not a combined risk factor for ID. Older age, higher educational background of the mother, living in the city, and higher family income were the combined protective factors to prevent the occurrence of ID in children.
Conclusion: Hp infection is not a combined risk factor for the development of ID in children. The influence of family social and economic factors should be taken into consideration when analyzing the correlation between Hp infection and ID.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0HpgroupchildrenIDcontrolinfectionhigherTpylorideficiencytotalfamilytestbloodironP<005combinedcorrelationHelicobacterIronstudymetinclusioncriteriasocialeconomichemoglobinHbmeanredcellMCVRDWMCHCserumSFSITIBCChildrentesteddividedIDA5%levels=riskfactorfactorsObjectives:investigateMethods:cross-sectionalconductedBaodingChildren'sHospitalJanuary2018December2019onethousandcamehospitalphysicalexaminationcontinuouslyincludedgivenquestionnairespersonalstatusstoolantigenand/or13C-ureabreathwellmeasurementsvolumedistributionwidthcorpuscularconcentrationferritinbindingcapacitypositivenegativediagnosedbasedchild'sresultsResults:902including1942170878incidence2=91122=4478lowert=528838646751=11841level=7630THEstatisticallysignificantcomparedLogisticregressionshowedOlderageeducationalbackgroundmotherlivingcityincomeprotectivepreventoccurrenceConclusion:developmentinfluencetakenconsiderationanalyzingCorrelationhelicobacterQuestionnaire

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