Exploring Trends in Environmental, Social, and Governance Themes and Their Sentimental Value Over Time.

Joonbeom Park, Woojoo Choi, Sang-Uk Jung
Author Information
  1. Joonbeom Park: Graduate School of Information, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea.
  2. Woojoo Choi: Graduate Business School, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea.
  3. Sang-Uk Jung: Graduate Business School, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea.


Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) is an indicator that measures a company's non-financial performance. Many firms have recently emphasized the importance of ESG. Ascertaining what topics are being discussed around ESG and how they change over time will contribute significantly to gaining insight into ESG. Using 73,397,870 text data scraped and refined from publicly available Twitter data, this study applied Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and the dynamic topic model (DTM) to ascertain the hidden structure of the ESG-related document collection and the topics being discussed. The study further conducts a sentiment analysis to examine the sentiment of the general public regarding ESG. Topic modeling shows that various topics regarding ESG are being discussed and evolve over time. Sentiment analysis shows that many people have neutral or positive sentiments toward ESG-related issues. This study contributes to exploring insights into ESG among the public and understanding public reactions toward ESG. We further conclude the study with a discussion of managerial implications and potential future research.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0ESGstudytopicsdiscusseddatatopicsentimentanalysispublicEnvironmentaltimeTwitterLatentDirichletAllocationLDAdynamicmodelDTMESG-relatedregardingmodelingshowstowardsocialgovernanceindicatormeasurescompany'snon-financialperformanceManyfirmsrecentlyemphasizedimportanceAscertainingaroundchangewillcontributesignificantlygaininginsightUsing73397870textscrapedrefinedpubliclyavailableappliedascertainhiddenstructuredocumentcollectionconductsexaminegeneralTopicvariousevolveSentimentmanypeopleneutralpositivesentimentsissuescontributesexploringinsightsamongunderstandingreactionsconcludediscussionmanagerialimplicationspotentialfutureresearchExploringTrendsSocialGovernanceThemesSentimentalValueTimenaturallanguageprocessingNLP

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