The effectiveness of champions in implementing innovations in health care: a systematic review.

Wilmer J Santos, Ian D Graham, Michelle Lalonde, Melissa Demery Varin, Janet E Squires
Author Information
  1. Wilmer J Santos: School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
  2. Ian D Graham: Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
  3. Michelle Lalonde: School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
  4. Melissa Demery Varin: School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
  5. Janet E Squires: School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada.


BACKGROUND: Champions have been documented in the literature as an important strategy for implementation, yet their effectiveness has not been well synthesized in the health care literature. The aim of this systematic review was to determine whether champions, tested in isolation from other implementation strategies, are effective at improving innovation use or outcomes in health care.
METHODS: The JBI systematic review method guided this study. A peer-reviewed search strategy was applied to eight electronic databases to identify relevant articles. We included all published articles and unpublished theses and dissertations that used a quantitative study design to evaluate the effectiveness of champions in implementing innovations within health care settings. Two researchers independently completed study selection, data extraction, and quality appraisal. We used content analysis and vote counting to synthesize our data.
RESULTS: After screening 7566 records titles and abstracts and 2090 full text articles, we included 35 studies in our review. Most of the studies (71.4%) operationalized the champion strategy by the presence or absence of a champion. In a subset of seven studies, five studies found associations between exposure to champions and increased use of best practices, programs, or technological innovations at an organizational level. In other subsets, the evidence pertaining to use of champions and innovation use by patients or providers, or at improving outcomes was either mixed or scarce.
CONCLUSIONS: We identified a small body of literature reporting an association between use of champions and increased instrumental use of innovations by organizations. However, more research is needed to determine causal relationship between champions and innovation use and outcomes. Even though there are no reported adverse effects in using champions, opportunity costs may be associated with their use. Until more evidence becomes available about the effectiveness of champions at increasing innovation use and outcomes, the decision to deploy champions should consider the needs and resources of the organization and include an evaluation plan. To further our understanding of champions' effectiveness, future studies should (1) use experimental study designs in conjunction with process evaluations, (2) describe champions and their activities and (3) rigorously evaluate the effectiveness of champions' activities.
REGISTRATION: Open Science Framework ( ). Registered on November 15, 2020.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0championsuseeffectivenessreviewstudieshealthcareinnovationoutcomesstudyinnovationsliteraturestrategysystematicarticlesChampionsimplementationdetermineimprovingincludedusedevaluateimplementingdatachampionincreasedevidencechampions'activitiesBACKGROUND:documentedimportantyetwellsynthesizedaimwhethertestedisolationstrategieseffectiveMETHODS:JBImethodguidedpeer-reviewedsearchappliedeightelectronicdatabasesidentifyrelevantpublishedunpublishedthesesdissertationsquantitativedesignwithinsettingsTworesearchersindependentlycompletedselectionextractionqualityappraisalcontentanalysisvotecountingsynthesizeRESULTS:screening7566recordstitlesabstracts2090fulltext35714%operationalizedpresenceabsencesubsetsevenfivefoundassociationsexposurebestpracticesprogramstechnologicalorganizationallevelsubsetspertainingpatientsproviderseithermixedscarceCONCLUSIONS:identifiedsmallbodyreportingassociationinstrumentalorganizationsHoweverresearchneededcausalrelationshipEventhoughreportedadverseeffectsusingopportunitycostsmayassociatedbecomesavailableincreasingdecisiondeployconsiderneedsresourcesorganizationincludeevaluationplanunderstandingfuture1experimentaldesignsconjunctionprocessevaluations2describe3rigorouslyREGISTRATION:OpenScienceFrameworkhttps://osfio/ba3d2RegisteredNovember152020care:EffectivenessHealthImplementationSystematic

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