Can local environmental constraints improve enterprise's green innovation quality? Evidence from Chinese-listed firms.

Yuke Zhu, Honggui Gao, Yanan Hu, Qinan Ding, Yiding Tang
Author Information
  1. Yuke Zhu: Economics School, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 430073, Wuhan, China.
  2. Honggui Gao: Economics School, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 430073, Wuhan, China.
  3. Yanan Hu: Economics School, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 430073, Wuhan, China.
  4. Qinan Ding: Economics School, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 430073, Wuhan, China.
  5. Yiding Tang: School of Economics and Trade, Hunan University, Changsha, China. ORCID


The target responsibility system of environmental protection is one of the vital channels to achieve a win-win situation for both economic development and environmental protection. Comprehensively investigating how local environmental target constraints drive enterprises to improve their green innovation quality is of enormous theoretical and practical significance for optimizing the implementation effect of environmental target constraints policies and boosting enterprises' green and high-quality development. We empirically examine the mechanism of the impact of the intensity of different types of local environmental target constraints on the quality of corporate green innovation and the nonlinear relationship between them through innovatively constructing indicators of local environmental target constraint intensity and utilizing the knowledge width of green patents of listed companies as a proxy variable for enterprise green innovation quality. First, the strength of indirect environmental target constraints has a significant positive effect on the quality of green innovation, but further nonlinear characteristics reveal a significant inverse U-shaped relationship between them. Second, indirect environmental target constraint intensity has an inverted U-shaped trend in increasing the intensity of environmental regulation and influencing the digitalization of enterprises, which in turn forms an inverted U-shaped relationship with the quality of green innovation. Third, indirect environmental target constraint intensity works better in areas with policies prioritizing city over province, with mayors less than 57 years old, and for enterprises in technology-intensive industries.



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  1. 19C0481/Scientific research project of Hunan Education Department
  2. 202210309/Postgraduate Research Innovation Platform project of the Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
  3. CX20210385/Postgraduate Scientific Research Innovation Project of Hunan Province

MeSH Term

Economic Development
Environmental Policy

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0environmentaltargetgreeninnovationqualityconstraintsintensitylocalconstraintenterprisesrelationshipindirectU-shapedEnvironmentalsystemprotectiondevelopmentimproveeffectpoliciesnonlinearsignificantinvertedresponsibilityonevitalchannelsachievewin-winsituationeconomicComprehensivelyinvestigatingdriveenormoustheoreticalpracticalsignificanceoptimizingimplementationboostingenterprises'high-qualityempiricallyexaminemechanismimpactdifferenttypescorporateinnovativelyconstructingindicatorsutilizingknowledgewidthpatentslistedcompaniesproxyvariableenterpriseFirststrengthpositivecharacteristicsrevealinverseSecondtrendincreasingregulationinfluencingdigitalizationturnformsThirdworksbetterareasprioritizingcityprovincemayorsless57 yearsoldtechnology-intensiveindustriesCanenterprise'squality?EvidenceChinese-listedfirmsaccountabilityregulationsGreen

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