Chlorophyll soft-sensor based on machine learning models for algal bloom predictions.

Alberto Mozo, Jesús Morón-López, Stanislav Vakaruk, Ángel G Pompa-Pernía, Ángel González-Prieto, Juan Antonio Pascual Aguilar, Sandra Gómez-Canaval, Juan Manuel Ortiz
Author Information
  1. Alberto Mozo: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
  2. Jesús Morón-López: European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Lodz, Poland.
  3. Stanislav Vakaruk: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
  4. Ángel G Pompa-Pernía: IMDEA Water Institute, Madrid, Spain.
  5. Ángel González-Prieto: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
  6. Juan Antonio Pascual Aguilar: IMDEA Water Institute, Madrid, Spain.
  7. Sandra Gómez-Canaval: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
  8. Juan Manuel Ortiz: IMDEA Water Institute, Madrid, Spain.


Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are a growing concern to public health and aquatic ecosystems. Long-term water monitoring conducted by hand poses several limitations to the proper implementation of water safety plans. This work combines automatic high-frequency monitoring (AFHM) systems with machine learning (ML) techniques to build a data-driven chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) soft-sensor. Massive data for water temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and system battery were taken for three years at intervals of 15 min from two different areas of As Conchas freshwater reservoir (NW Spain). We designed a set of soft-sensors based on compact and energy efficient ML algorithms to infer Chl-a fluorescence by using low-cost input variables and to be deployed on buoys with limited battery and hardware resources. Input and output aggregations were applied in ML models to increase their inference performance. A component capable of triggering a 10 [Formula: see text]g/L Chl-a alert was also developed. The results showed that Chl-a soft-sensors could be a rapid and inexpensive tool to support manual sampling in water bodies at risk.


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MeSH Term

Environmental Monitoring
Harmful Algal Bloom
Machine Learning



Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0waterChl-aMLalgalmonitoringmachinelearningsoft-sensorbatterysoft-sensorsbasedmodelsHarmfulbloomsHABsgrowingconcernpublichealthaquaticecosystemsLong-termconductedhandposesseverallimitationsproperimplementationsafetyplansworkcombinesautomatichigh-frequencyAFHMsystemstechniquesbuilddata-drivenchlorophyll-aMassivedatatemperaturepHelectricalconductivityECsystemtakenthreeyearsintervals15mintwodifferentareasConchasfreshwaterreservoirNWSpaindesignedsetcompactenergyefficientalgorithmsinferfluorescenceusinglow-costinputvariablesdeployedbuoyslimitedhardwareresourcesInputoutputaggregationsappliedincreaseinferenceperformancecomponentcapabletriggering10[Formula:seetext]g/LalertalsodevelopedresultsshowedrapidinexpensivetoolsupportmanualsamplingbodiesriskChlorophyllbloompredictions

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