Improving suitability of urban canals and canalized rivers for transportation, thermal energy extraction and recreation in two European delta cities.

E Suzanne van der Meulen, Frans H M van de Ven, Pieter R van Oel, Huub H M Rijnaarts, Nora B Sutton
Author Information
  1. E Suzanne van der Meulen: Deltares, Postbus 85467, 3508 AL, Utrecht, The Netherlands. ORCID
  2. Frans H M van de Ven: Deltares, Postbus 85467, 3508 AL, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  3. Pieter R van Oel: Wageningen University, Droevendaalsesteeg 3, 6708 PB, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  4. Huub H M Rijnaarts: Wageningen University, Postbus 17, 6700 AA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  5. Nora B Sutton: Wageningen University, Postbus 17, 6700 AA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.


Canals and canalized rivers form a major part of surface water systems in European delta cities and societal ambitions to use these waters increase. This is the first assessment of how suitability of these waters can improve for three important uses: transportation, thermal energy extraction (TEE) and recreation. We assess suitability with Suitability Indices (SIs) and identify which alterations in the water system are needed to improve SI scores in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and Ghent, Belgium. The results show spatial variability in suitability scores. Current suitability for transportation is low (SI score = 1) to excellent (SI score = 4), for TEE fair (SI score = 2) to excellent (SI score = 4), and suitability for recreation is low (SI score = 1). Suitability could improve by enlarging specific waterway dimensions, increasing discharge and clarity, and by enhancing microbiological water quality. The same methodology can be applied to optimize designs for new water bodies and for more water uses.



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MeSH Term

Environmental Monitoring
Water Quality

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0watersuitabilitySIimprovetransportationenergyrecreationSuitabilitycanalizedriversEuropeandeltacitieswaterscanthermalextractionTEEscoreslowscore = 1excellentscore = 4UrbanCanalsformmajorpartsurfacesystemssocietalambitionsuseincreasefirstassessmentthreeimportantuses:assessIndicesSIsidentifyalterationssystemneededAmsterdamNetherlandsGhentBelgiumresultsshowspatialvariabilityCurrentfairscore = 2enlargingspecificwaterwaydimensionsincreasingdischargeclarityenhancingmicrobiologicalqualitymethodologyappliedoptimizedesignsnewbodiesusesImprovingurbancanalstwoBathingIndexThermalsourcefreighttransportWaterway

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