The role of government policies for Italian firms during the COVID-19 crisis.

Francesco Fasano, F Javier Sánchez-Vidal, Maurizio La Rocca
Author Information
  1. Francesco Fasano: Department of Business Administration and Law, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy.
  2. F Javier Sánchez-Vidal: Department of Economics, Accounting and Finance, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain.
  3. Maurizio La Rocca: Department of Business Administration and Law, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy.


This paper aims to respond to this research question: "How effective have government incentives been in preserving firm profitability and growth during the COVID-19 crisis?". We used a large, representative sample of Italian companies, which has produced a deeper study than the macro analyses provided by national statistics. Results shows that government policies alleviated the negative effects of the pandemic on troubled companies, but it was not enough to maintain the same financial health as firms that did not need this support. Small companies were the most adversely affected by the pandemic.



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0governmentCOVID-19companiesItalianpoliciespandemicfinancialfirmspaperaimsrespondresearchquestion:"Howeffectiveincentivespreservingfirmprofitabilitygrowthcrisis?"usedlargerepresentativesampleproduceddeeperstudymacroanalysesprovidednationalstatisticsResultsshowsalleviatednegativeeffectstroubledenoughmaintainhealthneedsupportSmalladverselyaffectedrolecrisisCorporatesituationFirmfinancingGovernmentaidGrowth

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