BACKGROUND: Minor histocompatibility antigens (mHAgs) are endogenous immunogenic peptides initially identified due to complications detected in several contexts of HLA geno-identical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). In this study, we chose to examine the molecular polymorphism of the mHAgs HA-8 and PANE1 in the Tunisian population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study was conducted on 150 healthy and unrelated individuals. The DNA extraction and Sequence-Specific Primers PCR (PCR-SSP) methods were used for the molecular genotyping of the selected SNPs: PUM3 (rs2173904) and CENPM (rs5758511). RESULTS: Our results show that, 94% of Tunisians are carriers of the PANE1R allele (immunogenic variant of the PANE1 mHAg) and 68% of Tunisians are carriers of the HA-8R allele (immunogenic variant of the HA-8 mHAg). Furthermore, this study shows that about 5% of the Tunisians are carrier of the PANE1R antigen and its HLA molecule of presentation (the PANE1R/HLA-A*0301 combination). However, only 2% of Tunisians are carrier of the HA-8R/HLA-A*0201 combination, that is, the HA8 immunogenic variant and its specific HLA molecule of presentation. CONCLUSION: Our results are close to those reported in Caucasian, Asiatic, and African populations, this may be explained by the historical events experienced by Tunisia for millennia. These results could be used for further clinical and anthropological studies.