Operationalizing Depression Screening in Ambulatory Palliative Care: A Quality Improvement Project.

Daniel Shalev, Melissa Patterson, Yasemin Aytaman, Manuel A Moya-Tapia, Craig D Blinderman, Milagros D Silva, M Carrington Reid
Author Information
  1. Daniel Shalev: Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (D.S., M.D.S., M.C.R.), New York, New York, USA. Electronic address: Das2043@med.cornell.edu.
  2. Melissa Patterson: Department of Medicine (M.P., M.A.M.T., C.D.B.), Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, New York, USA.
  3. Yasemin Aytaman: Department of Medicine (Y.A.), Brooklyn Campus of the VA NY Harbor Healthcare System, Brooklyn, New York, USA.
  4. Manuel A Moya-Tapia: Department of Medicine (M.P., M.A.M.T., C.D.B.), Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, New York, USA.
  5. Craig D Blinderman: Department of Medicine (M.P., M.A.M.T., C.D.B.), Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, New York, USA.
  6. Milagros D Silva: Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (D.S., M.D.S., M.C.R.), New York, New York, USA.
  7. M Carrington Reid: Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (D.S., M.D.S., M.C.R.), New York, New York, USA.


BACKGROUND: Depression is common in the palliative care setting and impacts outcomes. Operationalized screening is unusual in palliative care.
LOCAL PROBLEM: Lack of operationalized depression screening at two ambulatory palliative care sites.
METHODS: A fellow-driven quality improvement initiative to implement operationalized depression screening using the patient health questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2). The primary measure was rate of EMR-documented depression screening. Secondary measures were clinician perspectives on the feasibility and acceptability of implementing the PHQ-2.
INTERVENTION: The intervention is a clinic-wide implementation of PHQ-2 screening supported by note templates, brief clinician training, referral resources for clinicians, and opportunities for indirect psychiatric consultation.
RESULTS: Operationalized depression screening rates increased from 2% to 38%. All clinicians felt incorporation of depression screening was useful and feasible.
CONCLUSIONS: Operationalized depression screening is feasible in ambulatory palliative care workflow, though optimization through having screening be completed prior to clinician visit might improve uptake.



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  1. K24 AG053462/NIA NIH HHS
  2. T32 AG049666/NIA NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Palliative Care
Quality Improvement
Ambulatory Care
Ambulatory Care Facilities

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0screeningdepressionpalliativecareDepressionOperationalizedPHQ-2clinicianoperationalizedambulatorycliniciansfeasibleBACKGROUND:commonsettingimpactsoutcomesunusualLOCALPROBLEM:LacktwositesMETHODS:fellow-drivenqualityimprovementinitiativeimplementusingpatienthealthquestionnaire-2primarymeasurerateEMR-documentedSecondarymeasuresperspectivesfeasibilityacceptabilityimplementingINTERVENTION:interventionclinic-wideimplementationsupportednotetemplatesbrieftrainingreferralresourcesopportunitiesindirectpsychiatricconsultationRESULTS:ratesincreased2%38%feltincorporationusefulCONCLUSIONS:workflowthoughoptimizationcompletedpriorvisitmightimproveuptakeOperationalizingScreeningAmbulatoryPalliativeCare:QualityImprovementProjectpsychiatrypsychooncology

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