Research on the influence mechanism of university-enterprise collaboration: Evidence From five southern coastal provinces in China.

Ximeng Chen, Yan Chen, Dongxue Li, Hao Dong
Author Information
  1. Ximeng Chen: Institute of Vocational Education, Nanning Normal University, Nanning, China.
  2. Yan Chen: Institute of Vocational Education, Nanning Normal University, Nanning, China.
  3. Dongxue Li: Nanning University, Nanning, China.
  4. Hao Dong: Institute of Land Engineering and Technology, Shaanxi Provincial Land Engineering Construction Group Co., Ltd., Xi'an, China.


Taking university-enterprise collaborative innovation in five southern coastal provinces of China as subjects, empirical research is implemented by constructing a theoretical model of the effects of interface resource integration, interface conflict management, interface connection mechanisms, and enterprise absorptive capacity on the university-enterprise collaborative innovation performance with the partial least squares structural equation modeling and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. A total of 245 valid questionnaires were collected from five coastal provinces in south China. The research results show that the interface resource integration, interface connection mechanisms, and enterprise absorptive capacity has direct significant positive impacts on the collaborative innovation performance. Interface conflict management has no significant impact on school-enterprise collaborative innovation performance. Moreover, the interface connection mechanism acts as an intermediary. Therefore, it is suggested that university-enterprise should integrate resources with complementing, interacting, and sharing resources; construct the profit and risk-sharing mechanism, communication and trust mechanism, and organizational learning mechanism.



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