Second Malignant Tumors and Non-Tumor Causes of Death for Patients With Penile Cancer During Their Survivorship.

Pan Song, Xiaotian Wu, Luchen Yang, Kai Ma, Zhenghuan Liu, Jing Zhou, Junhao Chen, Qing Zhu, Qiang Dong
Author Information
  1. Pan Song: Department of Urology, The Institution of Urology, 34753West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
  2. Xiaotian Wu: The Clinical Medical College of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China.
  3. Luchen Yang: Department of Urology, The Institution of Urology, 34753West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
  4. Kai Ma: Department of Urology, The Institution of Urology, 34753West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
  5. Zhenghuan Liu: Department of Urology, The Institution of Urology, 34753West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
  6. Jing Zhou: Department of Urology, The Institution of Urology, 34753West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
  7. Junhao Chen: Department of Urology, The Institution of Urology, 34753West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
  8. Qing Zhu: Department of General Medical, Medical Affairs Division, 34753West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
  9. Qiang Dong: Department of Urology, The Institution of Urology, 34753West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, China. ORCID


BACKGROUND: The aim was to evaluate the causes of death for patients with localized, regional and metastatic penile cancer (PeCa) after diagnosis.
METHODS: PeCa patients diagnosed during 2004-2018 in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program database were identified. Causes of deaths including PeCa, second malignant tumors (SMTs) and non-tumor diseases were analyzed, as well as the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) of each cause.
RESULTS: For localized PeCa, 800 of 2155 patients died during the follow-up. 24.9% of all deaths were due to PeCa. 18.0% and 57.1% deaths were due to SMTs and non-tumor causes. Main SMTs included cancers of lung and bronchus (n = 40) and skin (n = 11) with significantly increased SMRs of 1.71 (1.22-2.33) and 4.82 (2.41-8.63). Mortality risks of other SMTs were mostly similar with the general populations. Main causes of non-tumor diseases included diseases of heart [n = 172, SMR: 1.66 (1.42-1.93)], COPD and allied cond [n = 38, SMR: 1.63 (1.15-2.24)], and cerebrovascular diseases [n = 33, SMR: 1.71 (1.17-2.4)]. For regional PeCa, 679 of 1310 patients died including 43.5% PeCa, 14.8% SMTs and 26.6% non-tumor causes. The mortality risks of cancers from lung and bronchus [SMR: 2.41 (1.53-3.62)], skin [SMR: 6.41 (2.35-13.95)] and testis [SMR: 149.35 (18.09-539.5)] were significantly increased. Main non-tumor causes of death included diseases of heart [n = 71, SMR: 1.77 (1.38-2.23)], COPD and allied cond [n = 17, SMR: 1.85 (1.08-2.95)] and diabetes mellitus [n = 16, SMR: 3.62 (2.07-5.88)]. For distant diseases, 109 of 132 patients died including 76 (69.7%) died for PeCa itself, 24 (22.0%) died for SMTs and 9 (8.3%) died for non-tumor diseases. The majority of PeCa deaths (67.1%) and SMTs deaths (79.2%) occurred within 1 year after the diagnosis of PeCa.
CONCLUSIONS: We firstly analyzed the SMTs and non-tumor causes of death and morality risks of each cause for PeCa patients, which provided valuable information for PeCa patients on disease prevention and health care during their survivorship.



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MeSH Term

Cause of Death
Penile Neoplasms
Risk Factors
Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.01PeCa]SMTsnon-tumordiseases=causespatientsdied[nSMR:deathsdeath2includingmortality24Mainincluded71risks[SMR:localizedregionalpenilecancerdiagnosisCausessecondmalignanttumorsanalyzedstandardizedratiocausedue180%1%cancerslungbronchusnskinsignificantlyincreased33463heartCOPDalliedcond416295BACKGROUND:aimevaluatemetastaticMETHODS:diagnosed2004-2018SurveillanceEpidemiologyEndResultsprogramdatabaseidentifiedwellSMRRESULTS:8002155follow-up9%574011SMRs22-28241-8Mortalitymostlysimilargeneralpopulations1726642-1933815-2cerebrovascular17-26791310435%148%266%53-3635-13testis1493509-53957738-223178508-2diabetesmellitus16307-588distant10913276697%22983%majority67792%occurredwithin1 yearCONCLUSIONS:firstlymoralityprovidedvaluableinformationdiseasepreventionhealthcaresurvivorshipSecondMalignantTumorsNon-TumorDeathPatientsPenileCancerSurvivorshipSEER

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