Incarceration, menstruation and COVID-19: a viewpoint of the exacerbated inequalities and health disparities in South African correctional facilities.

Janice Kathleen Moodley, Bianca Rochelle Parry, Marie Claire Van Hout
Author Information
  1. Janice Kathleen Moodley: Department of Psychology, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.
  2. Bianca Rochelle Parry: Chief Albert Luthuli Research Chair, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.
  3. Marie Claire Van Hout: Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK.


PURPOSE: The menstrual health and menstrual hygiene management (MHM) of incarcerated women remains relatively low on the agenda of public health interventions globally, widening the inequitable access of incarcerated women to safe and readily available menstrual health products (MHP). The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely impacted on the MHM gains made in various development sectors in the global North and South, through its amplification of vulnerability for already at-risk populations. This is especially significant to developing countries such as South Africa where the incarcerated female population are an often-forgotten minority.
DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: This viewpoint highlights the ignominious silence of research and policy attention within the South African carceral context in addressing MHM. The ethical and political implications of such silences are unpacked by reviewing international and local literature that confront issues of inequality and equitable access to MHP and MHM resources within incarcerated contexts.
FINDINGS: Structural inequalities in various contexts around the world have exacerbated COVID-19 and MHM. Within the prison context in South Africa, women face multiple layers of discrimination and punishment that draw attention to the historical discourses of correctional facilities as a site of surveillance and discipline.
RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS: This study acknowledges that while this viewpoint is essential in rising awareness about gaps in literature, it is not empirical in nature.
PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The authors believe that this viewpoint is essential in raising critical awareness on MHM in carceral facilities in South Africa. The authors hope to use this publication as the theoretical argument to pursue empirical research on MHM within carceral facilities in South Africa. The authors hope that this publication would provide the context for international and local funders, to assist in the empirical research, which aims to roll out sustainable MHP to incarcerated women in South Africa.
SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The authors believe that this viewpoint is the starting point in accelerating the roll out of sustainable MHP to incarcerated females in South Africa. These are females who are on the periphery of society that are in need of practical interventions. Publishing this viewpoint would provide the team with the credibility to apply for international and national funding to roll out sustainable solutions.
ORIGINALITY/VALUE: It is hoped that the gaps in literature and nodes for social and human rights activism highlighted within this viewpoint establish the need for further participatory research, human rights advocacy and informed civic engagement to ensure the voices of these women and their basic human rights are upheld.



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MeSH Term

South Africa
Health Inequities

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0SouthMHMAfricaviewpointincarceratedwomenhealthMHPresearchwithinfacilitiesauthorsmenstrualCOVID-19carceralcontextinternationalliteratureempiricalrollsustainablehumanrightshygienemanagementinterventionsaccessvariousattentionAfricanlocalcontextsinequalitiesexacerbatedcorrectionalessentialawarenessgapsIMPLICATIONS:believehopepublicationprovidefemalesneedPURPOSE:remainsrelativelylowagendapublicgloballywideninginequitablesafereadilyavailableproductspandemicadverselyimpactedgainsmadedevelopmentsectorsglobalNorthamplificationvulnerabilityalreadyat-riskpopulationsespeciallysignificantdevelopingcountriesfemalepopulationoften-forgottenminorityDESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH:highlightsignominioussilencepolicyaddressingethicalpoliticalimplicationssilencesunpackedreviewingconfrontissuesinequalityequitableresourcesFINDINGS:StructuralaroundworldWithinprisonfacemultiplelayersdiscriminationpunishmentdrawhistoricaldiscoursessitesurveillancedisciplineRESEARCHLIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS:studyacknowledgesrisingnaturePRACTICALraisingcriticalusetheoreticalargumentpursuefundersassistaimsSOCIALstartingpointacceleratingperipherysocietypracticalPublishingteamcredibilityapplynationalfundingsolutionsORIGINALITY/VALUE:hopednodessocialactivismhighlightedestablishparticipatoryadvocacyinformedcivicengagementensurevoicesbasicupheldIncarcerationmenstruationCOVID-19:disparitiesIncarceratedMenstrual

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