TeaPVs: a comprehensive genomic variation database for tea plant (Camellia sinensis).

Yanlin An, Xiaoqin Zhang, Sixia Jiang, Jingjing Zhao, Feng Zhang
Author Information
  1. Yanlin An: Department of Food Science and Engineering, Moutai Institute, Luban Street, Renhuai, 564502, Guizhou, People's Republic of China.
  2. Xiaoqin Zhang: Department of Food Science and Engineering, Moutai Institute, Luban Street, Renhuai, 564502, Guizhou, People's Republic of China.
  3. Sixia Jiang: Department of Food Science and Engineering, Moutai Institute, Luban Street, Renhuai, 564502, Guizhou, People's Republic of China.
  4. Jingjing Zhao: Department of Food Science and Engineering, Moutai Institute, Luban Street, Renhuai, 564502, Guizhou, People's Republic of China.
  5. Feng Zhang: Department of Food Science and Engineering, Moutai Institute, Luban Street, Renhuai, 564502, Guizhou, People's Republic of China. nkzhangfeng@163.com. ORCID


Genome variation not only plays an important role in plant phenotypic modeling and adaptive evolution, but also enhances population genetic diversity and regulates gene expression. The tea tree (Camellia sinensis) has a large genome (~ 3.0 Gb), making the identification of genome-wide variants time-consuming and expensive. With the continuous publication of a large number of different types of population sequencing data, there is a lack of an open platform to integrate these data and identify variants in the tea plant genome.To integrate the genetic variation confidence in the tea plant population genome, 238 whole-genome resequencing, 213 transcriptome sequencing, and 96 hybrid F1 individuals with a total of more than 20 Tb were collected for mutation site identification. Based on these variations information, we constructed the first tea tree variation web service database TeaPVs ( and http://liushang.top:8025/ ). It supports users to search all SNP, Indel, SV mutations and SSR/Polymorphic SSR sequences by location or gene ID. Furthermore, the website also provides the functions of gene expression search of different transcriptome, sequence blast, sequence extraction of CDS and mutation loci, etc.The features of the TeaPVs database make it a comprehensive tea plant genetic variation bioinformatics platform for researchers, and will also be helpful for revealing new functional mutations in the tea plant genome and molecular marker-assisted breeding.



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  1. 32160441/the National Natural Science Foundation of China

MeSH Term

Camellia sinensis
Plant Breeding
Genome, Plant



Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0plantteavariationgenomealsopopulationgeneticgenetranscriptomedatabaseGenomeexpressiontreeCamelliasinensislargeidentificationvariantsdifferentsequencingdataplatformintegratemutationTeaPVssearchmutationssequencecomprehensiveplaysimportantrolephenotypicmodelingadaptiveevolutionenhancesdiversityregulates~ 30Gbmakinggenome-widetime-consumingexpensivecontinuouspublicationnumbertypeslackopenidentifyToconfidence238whole-genomeresequencing21396hybridF1individualstotal20 TbcollectedsiteBasedvariationsinformationconstructedfirstwebservicehttp://4710618491:8025/http://liushangtop:8025/supportsusersSNPIndelSVSSR/PolymorphicSSRsequenceslocationIDFurthermorewebsiteprovidesfunctionsblastextractionCDSlocietcThefeaturesmakebioinformaticsresearcherswillhelpfulrevealingnewfunctionalmolecularmarker-assistedbreedingTeaPVs:genomicDatabaseResequenceTeaVariations

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