LABAMPsGCN: A framework for identifying lactic acid bacteria antimicrobial peptides based on graph convolutional neural network.

Tong-Jie Sun, He-Long Bu, Xin Yan, Zhi-Hong Sun, Mu-Su Zha, Gai-Fang Dong
Author Information
  1. Tong-Jie Sun: College of Computer and Information Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, China.
  2. He-Long Bu: College of Computer and Information Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, China.
  3. Xin Yan: College of Computer and Information Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, China.
  4. Zhi-Hong Sun: College of Food Science and Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, China.
  5. Mu-Su Zha: College of Food Science and Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, China.
  6. Gai-Fang Dong: College of Computer and Information Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, China.


lactic acid bacteria antimicrobial peptides (LABAMPs) are a class of active polypeptide produced during the metabolic process of lactic acid bacteria, which can inhibit or kill pathogenic bacteria or spoilage bacteria in food. LABAMPs have broad application in important practical fields closely related to human beings, such as food production, efficient agricultural planting, and so on. However, screening for antimicrobial peptides by biological experiment researchers is time-consuming and laborious. Therefore, it is urgent to develop a model to predict LABAMPs. In this work, we design a graph convolutional neural network framework for identifying of LABAMPs. We build heterogeneous graph based on amino acids, tripeptide and their relationships and learn weights of a graph convolutional network (GCN). Our GCN iteratively completes the learning of embedded words and sequence weights in the graph under the supervision of inputting sequence labels. We applied 10-fold cross-validation experiment to two training datasets and acquired accuracy of 0.9163 and 0.9379 respectively. They are higher that of other machine learning and GNN algorithms. In an independent test dataset, accuracy of two datasets is 0.9130 and 0.9291, which are 1.08% and 1.57% higher than the best methods of other online webservers.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0bacteriagraphacidantimicrobialpeptidesLABAMPsnetwork0lacticconvolutionalneurallearningfoodexperimentframeworkidentifyingbasedtripeptideweightsGCNsequencetwodatasetsaccuracyhigher1LacticclassactivepolypeptideproducedmetabolicprocesscaninhibitkillpathogenicspoilagebroadapplicationimportantpracticalfieldscloselyrelatedhumanbeingsproductionefficientagriculturalplantingHoweverscreeningbiologicalresearcherstime-consuminglaboriousThereforeurgentdevelopmodelpredictworkdesignbuildheterogeneousaminoacidsrelationshipslearniterativelycompletesembeddedwordssupervisioninputtinglabelsapplied10-foldcross-validationtrainingacquired91639379respectivelymachineGNNalgorithmsindependenttestdataset9130929108%57%bestmethodsonlinewebserversLABAMPsGCN:deepconvolutionwordembedding

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