Comprehensive shape analysis of the cortex in Huntington's disease.

Zachary A Stoebner, Kilian Hett, Ilwoo Lyu, Hans Johnson, Jane S Paulsen, Jeffrey D Long, Ipek Oguz
Author Information
  1. Zachary A Stoebner: Department of Computer Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. ORCID
  2. Kilian Hett: Department of Computer Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. ORCID
  3. Ilwoo Lyu: Department of Computer Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
  4. Hans Johnson: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
  5. Jane S Paulsen: Department of Neurology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
  6. Jeffrey D Long: Department of Psychiatry, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
  7. Ipek Oguz: Department of Computer Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.


The striatum has traditionally been the focus of Huntington's disease research due to the primary insult to this region and its central role in motor symptoms. Beyond the striatum, evidence of cortical alterations caused by Huntington's disease has surfaced. However, findings are not coherent between studies which have used cortical thickness for Huntington's disease since it is the well-established cortical metric of interest in other diseases. In this study, we propose a more comprehensive approach to cortical morphology in Huntington's disease using cortical thickness, sulcal depth, and local gyrification index. Our results show consistency with prior findings in cortical thickness, including its limitations. Our comparison between cortical thickness and local gyrification index underscores the complementary nature of these two measures-cortical thickness detects changes in the sensorimotor and posterior areas while local gyrification index identifies insular differences. Since local gyrification index and cortical thickness measures detect changes in different regions, the two used in tandem could provide a clinically relevant measure of disease progression. Our findings suggest that differences in insular regions may correspond to earlier neurodegeneration and may provide a complementary cortical measure for detection of subtle early cortical changes due to Huntington's disease.



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  1. R01 NS040068/NINDS NIH HHS
  2. R01 NS094456/NINDS NIH HHS
  3. U01 NS103475/NINDS NIH HHS
  4. U01 NS105509/NINDS NIH HHS
  5. MR/P001629/1/Medical Research Council
  6. MR/L010305/1/Medical Research Council

MeSH Term

Huntington Disease
Cerebral Cortex
Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0corticaldiseaseHuntington'sthicknesslocalgyrificationindexfindingschangesstriatumdueusedcomplementarytwoinsulardifferencesregionsprovidemeasuremayshapeanalysistraditionallyfocusresearchprimaryinsultregioncentralrolemotorsymptomsBeyondevidencealterationscausedsurfacedHowevercoherentstudiessincewell-establishedmetricinterestdiseasesstudyproposecomprehensiveapproachmorphologyusingsulcaldepthresultsshowconsistencypriorincludinglimitationscomparisonunderscoresnaturemeasures-corticaldetectssensorimotorposteriorareasidentifiesSincemeasuresdetectdifferenttandemclinicallyrelevantprogressionsuggestcorrespondearlierneurodegenerationdetectionsubtleearlyComprehensivecortex

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