Comparative transcriptomes of nine tissues for the Heilongjiang brown frog (Rana amurensis).

Wanyu Li, Yue Lan, Lei Wang, Lewei He, Ruixiang Tang, Megan Price, Bisong Yue, Zhenxin Fan
Author Information
  1. Wanyu Li: Key Laboratory of Bioresources and Eco-Environment (Ministry of Education), College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610064, Sichuan, China.
  2. Yue Lan: Key Laboratory of Bioresources and Eco-Environment (Ministry of Education), College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610064, Sichuan, China.
  3. Lei Wang: Sichuan Key Laboratory of Conservation Biology On Endangered Wildlife, College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610064, Sichuan, China.
  4. Lewei He: Key Laboratory of Bioresources and Eco-Environment (Ministry of Education), College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610064, Sichuan, China.
  5. Ruixiang Tang: Key Laboratory of Bioresources and Eco-Environment (Ministry of Education), College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610064, Sichuan, China.
  6. Megan Price: Key Laboratory of Bioresources and Eco-Environment (Ministry of Education), College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610064, Sichuan, China.
  7. Bisong Yue: Key Laboratory of Bioresources and Eco-Environment (Ministry of Education), College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610064, Sichuan, China.
  8. Zhenxin Fan: Key Laboratory of Bioresources and Eco-Environment (Ministry of Education), College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610064, Sichuan, China.


The Heilongjiang brown frog (Rana amurensis) is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine. In particular, the oviduct and skin have been developed into various health products. However, limited numbers of complete genomes of amphibian species have been reported, excluding the Heilongjiang brown frog. Here, the transcriptomes of 45 samples from the liver, spleen, heart, ovaries, thigh muscles, skin, oviduct, stomach and intestine of five Heilongjiang brown frog were reassembled and analyzed. A total of 1,085,532 unigenes with an average length of 676.6 bp and N50 of 722 bp were obtained. Comparative transcriptomics of different tissues detected tissue-specific expression. There were 3248 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in the ovary, and the number of unique DEGs between the ovary and spleen was the largest. The results of DEGs enrichment showed there were many pathways and items related to protein synthesis and metabolism in the oviduct. The DEGs of the skin were enriched with many bacterial defense items, indicating that there were a large number of antimicrobial peptides in the skin. Thus, these were suitable as biological sources for the development and extraction of antimicrobial peptides. Through the assembly of transcriptome sequencing data and functional annotation of the Heilongjiang brown frog genome, this study provides reference materials for further exploring and utilizing functional gene resources of frogs and lays a foundation for medical research and the development of new products.


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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0HeilongjiangbrownfrogskinDEGsoviductRanaamurensisproductstranscriptomesspleenComparativetissuesovarynumbermanyitemsantimicrobialpeptidesdevelopmentfunctionalwidelyusedtraditionalChinesemedicineparticulardevelopedvarioushealthHoweverlimitednumberscompletegenomesamphibianspeciesreportedexcluding45samplesliverheartovariesthighmusclesstomachintestinefivereassembledanalyzedtotal1085532unigenesaveragelength6766 bpN50722 bpobtainedtranscriptomicsdifferentdetectedtissue-specificexpression3248differentiallyexpressedgenesuniquelargestresultsenrichmentshowedpathwaysrelatedproteinsynthesismetabolismenrichedbacterialdefenseindicatinglargeThussuitablebiologicalsourcesextractionassemblytranscriptomesequencingdataannotationgenomestudyprovidesreferencematerialsexploringutilizinggeneresourcesfrogslaysfoundationmedicalresearchnewnine

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